the Dreams

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Chapter One

This is the story of a girl with an amazing story, but it all started out incredibly normal…ish

Tori is an orphan.

She didn't remember much before the orphanage she was found at when she was six.

All she had was a name and the fact that she could speak fluent Japanese, and was found in the middle of the United States of America.

Tori had no choice but to ditch her native tongue in search for a new one. She was enrolled in elementary school and had to cope with the fact that she had no one.

She went through school-life with a very limited amount of friends, due to her wild temper. She was known as the volcano, and would severely hurt anyone who called her that.

Because of her temper the orphanage paid for her to do after-school activities, saying that the small fee for the girl would be better than the multiple hospital visits that would occur if they did not. They enrolled Tori in gymnastics, stating that it was a very energetic activity and had no possible way of anyone getting hurt.

They were wrong. In her first two year period with gymnastics she had broken her arm, her leg, fractured her wrist, twisted her ankle, and 'accidentally' landed on someone. Even though she would be rushed to the emergency room and the splint would be put on, usually having her stay the night, they would check the bone the next day to discover it was completely healed. To the doctors she was a medical phenomenon. Tori just thought it was normal. Breaks and fractures were not the only thing that healed miraculously fast, if she got cut or scraped it would take less than a minute to stop bleeding and scab over, and the scabs would start coming off by their own accord after an hour.

Unfortunately, for a tomboy she got hurt a lot and since she healed so fast it distanced her away from the other kids.

Tori didn't mind having a few friends and miraculous healing powers, what she minded were the dreams.

The dreams Tori had were so vivid and real looking she could swear they were real.

She had dreams of a white haired man that was as big as a grizzly bear, and wore weird clothing and wooden shoes, and a boy with bright yellow hair and dashing blue eyes. She dreamed of herself, just older, and her life as a shinobi, or a kunoichi.

The dreams reminded her that life was cruel, for she wished she could live in the dreams she had.

She enjoyed dreaming of her other self and the boy's relationship, and when he convinced her other self to get a tattoo with a special character, Tori wanted one too. Life seemed so perfect in her dreams, until the dreams began turning into nightmares for the high-schooler; she dreamt that the other her was pregnant, and was about to give birth when a huge nine tailed fox just came out of her, somehow, and she died.

Then the dreams stopped when she was seventeen and a half.

Tori still instigated many fights around the orphanage, and soon, to stop the hostility they exchanged gymnastics with kick-boxing, but this was short lived because she graduated high school, and was pleasantly, for the orphanage, not her, kicked out. Without a job or a place to live Tori joined the military.

She joined the Air Force, with a four year contract, right as the war with Iraq started, and she was instantly deployed to the desert after training.

Tori was good with a gun, and in the convoy she noticed another abnormality with herself compared to her comrades, her sight and hearing were much better than her fellow Airmen.

That was when she got the nickname, the fox.

Tori didn't mind the name, it made sense, and it definitely beat the Volcano. Tori had long red hair, pulled back into a sock bun due to military regulations. Her red hair contrasted her turquoise eyes perfectly, to the point she didn't need make-up to make them stand out. She was five foot four in height and was lean and muscular, basically without really trying.

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