Meeting the Hokage

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Chapter 3

The five stopped at the gate and the man carrying Tori handed a scroll to one of the guards, who looked over before handing it back and allowed the ANBU team and Tori inside.

"Let's take you to the hospital" the man with the wolf man said. Tori sat up straighter and noticed the man had silver hair, a light blush formed on her cheeks as she recognized who he was

'Oh God, Kakashi has been carrying me?'

"You don't need to I'm fine" Tori replied

"Nonsense you have a broken ankle and you were hit by a kunai" the man with the cat mask said as the five sped through the village

"I'm fine" Tori said stubbornly

"Even still we are going, just to be on the safe side" Kakashi said and unbeknownst to the man Tori pouted, but stopped arguing.

Kakashi was her favorite character after Minato, but now she understood why Minato was her favorite, her other self married him, had a child with him…

Tori paled at that thought

She had a child…

It was Naruto…

And she was only 26…

How terrifying, she was still a virgin and had a child…. A child with the other part of the Kyuubi to make things worse…

But nonetheless Kakashi was her second favorite. It was common knowledge to her friends too. His aloofness made her laugh and he seemed kind, like Minato… Tori shook her head at the thought, causing Kakashi to notice when her hair fluttered into his sight and disappeared from the action

"Are you alright?" He asked as he tilted his masked face to show he was directing the question to him.

"Fine" she muttered, slightly flustered.

Looking back she always thought it was a coincidence that her last name was Uzumaki, but she thought it was more odd that an anime had formed from her dream world… that she was now in…shaking the thoughts from her mind she noticed that the five had arrived at the hospital. Sighing as they entered through the emergency room entrance she was placed carefully by Kakashi on an examination table and he sat next to her quietly. The other three took to leaning on the wall to watch, knowing after she was healed up they would all go as one to see the Hokage

"You broke you ankle and were hit on the shoulder with a kunai?" The nurse examining her asked

"Yes but I am fine, seriously I don't need to be here"

"Without a splint your ankle will heal weird and you may not be able walk correctly"

"I. AM. FINE." Tori repeated stubbornly. From her appearance she probably appeared crazy to the nurse, since her hair was a complete mess with twigs and leaves stuck at random angles, her face and clothes were filthy from falling and running, she had minor scratches on her arms, the part of her legs that were shown, some gashes appeared on her thigh length socks, and her face that had long since healed. Tori glared at the woman.

"I am making you a splint for you to wear for a week before we proceed"

"My ankle is fine damn it" Tori repeated and began to struggle when the nurse decided to put the splint on her ankle anyway after seeing that the bone was correctly placed. Kakashi grabbed her arms as two of the other ANBU grabbed her legs to help the nurse. "GET OFF OF ME" Tori yelled as she struggled against the three men

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