Fighting the Capture

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From this chapter onward whenever Tori is speaking Japanese it will be in italics "like this"

If she is talking in English it will be "like this"

Chapter 2

Tori awoke with an aching head in a small layer of water on the ground. Groaning she got up, noticing the stone walls and shivered slightly from the cold. Getting up she began wondering down the corridor, wondering why this all looked familiar to her. She wondered around until her acute ears picked up breathing. Stopping suddenly the image of Naruto approaching his demon was instantly brought to her mind.

"It's impossible, I can't be harboring a demon" Tori whispered to herself before looking around the corner to see if she saw anything, like a cage holding a giant demon, and she was relieved that she didn't see anything other than more corridor. Heaving a sigh of relief she began to walk down until she saw bars on her left. "Crap" she muttered and curiously peeked inside, and let out a laugh. "You are my demon?" She said to a very small looking fox, which scoffed at her remark

"I happen to be part of the great Kyuubi"

"Ha" Tori said, "Impossible"

"I brought you here for a reason Tori"

"I'm not letting you out" Tori said, crossing her arms

"… what?"

"I've seen what the actual Kyuubi does to the boy he is sealed in and there is no way I am letting you do that to me"

"Not even if I tell you why you have such a strong connection to this place?"

"No" Tori said stubbornly looking away.

"Not even I tell you why you had those dreams when you were younger?" The kitsune said deviously. Tori snuck a peek at the snug evil face the fox said.

"You know why I had them?"

"Yes, and if you let me out-"

"No" Tori said and he growled

"Why not?"

"I have no chakra, if I let you out you will destroy my body and get out" Tori said matter-of-factly

"You are wrong" the fox said cunningly "If you didn't have chakra I wouldn't be sealed into your body, I would have destroyed it years before" The fox said knowingly. Tori faltered in her knowledge

"What? How?"

"Your chakra was sealed along with your memory, all you have to do is make the sign that Ino makes and say "Kai" and you will remember everything and get your chakra back" The fox began to wag it's tail

"No" Tori said stubbornly

"Fine don't listen to me, have fun getting out of the little mess you got yourself in"

And with the final words said Tori found herself back in her body and on the shoulder of a man with her hands tied. The woman rolled her eyes at the sloppy job the shinobi made of tying her hands and wiggled her hands free and reached over to the shinobi's other shoulder to get him in the sleeper hold. He went down with minor struggle, but enough to alert the other three. Tori quickly untied her feet and kicked one guy in the face and ducked from a punch from another as she punched him in the gut. Spinning her leg around to trip the other shinobi she grabbed her backpack and ran the opposite direction they were headed. The other three were faster and she was surrounded once again, this time more prepared. Tori sighed; this was going to be a difficult situation to get out of. The three men pulled out kunai and charged. Ducking and rolling Tori escaped being shanked and got out of the circle of men. Running to a tree the girl used the velocity to propel herself on a tree branch and performed a ¾ giant, a move that had her swing completely around the branch, getting closer as she did so to give her enough backwards force that when she came backwards she opened her legs to a v and knocked two of the three men with her feet to their heads. She then performed a castaway where she propelled away from the remaining shinobi, landed on her feet, and began running again.

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