How Can You Say No to That Face?

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Chapter 11

Tori sighed as another parent came up to her in confusion

"Sorry, your chakra signature seemed like it was someone I knew" Akimichi Chouza said, scratching the back of his neck.

Tori was getting slightly irritated and it was not going unnoticed by her roommate.

"Let's go home" Kakashi suggested and after heaving a big sigh Tori nodded. The girl curled up on the couch and stared out the window. Kakashi noticed her behavior when he was making onigiri. He handed her one and she took it without question and bit into it, making a face.

"What is that?"

"An onigiri" Kakashi said, chuckling at her reaction

"I know that, dumbass, I meant what is that?" Tori said, pointing to the filling

"Umiboshi" Kakashi said, chuckling still from the face of disgust the girl had on her face

"What is Umiboshi?" Tori asked, handing the onigiri back to her host

"Pickled plum" Kakashi replied, grinning at the girl

"I don't like it" Tori said

"Really? I couldn't tell" Kakashi said sarcastically and sat down next to her as Tori began clawing at her tongue attempting to get the taste out of her mouth. He chuckled at her reaction and grinned underneath his mask. She was adorable. "Do want to get ramen?" He asked and watched as her eyes lit up before she looked down

"I'd rather not leave the house" Tori said truthfully

"Why not?"

"I am tired of people whispering behind my back about me being Kushina"

"But you are"

"I am Tori, Kushina and I grew up differently, she had Minato, I have nobody" Tori said as she brought her legs closer to her body and rested her head upon her knees

"You have Steven-san, James-san, Dan-san, and Kevin-san don't you?" Kakashi said, trying to cheer her up

"James belongs to Claire, Kevin is a douche, Steven cares more about the band and its image than he does about me, Dan… is Dan, they only get along with me because it is good for the band" Tori explained

"But they are your friends" Kakashi said

"So? I can't tell them the truth; they will think I'm an idiot! Like they would believe that my father messed up a long-ranged jutsu"

"Would you like to expand on that?" Kakashi asked

"Well the jutsu my father used was a one-hand one thought jutsu, you have to clear the mind and think of one place when you start the jutsu. My guess at what happened is simply that my father thought of the edge of the Fire country, which sent Kushina there, but with the distraction of people barging into the room he accidentally put his other hand on me and thought of another place, like someplace far away, I don't know, it is still a mystery to me"

"It makes more sense than it did before, do you know what jutsu it was?" Kakashi asked

"No, it was just performed on me a bunch of times by my father" Tori said and shrugged "I wish I knew it, it would be useful"


"So…?" Tori mocked smiling slightly at the man

"You want to tell me how you know that you'll win, every time, every bet?"

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