Drama With the Boyfriend

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Chapter 19

Tori collapsed on the ground after her training with Kakashi

"Ugh" Tori said "I hurt all over"

"This is only the beginning" Kakashi warned her "I want you to be able to fight me one on one and get me tired Tori-chan" Kakashi said to her

"But you never get tired" Tori whined to her boyfriend.

"I will be on my next mission for two weeks" Kakashi said.

"Be careful" Tori said to her boyfriend as she gave him a passionate kiss.

"Tori I'm back" Kakashi said as he arrived as he entered his house that morning. He heard a moan of anguish coming from his room and Kakashi rushed quickly to the bedroom with a kunai at the ready. He scanned the bedroom but no one was there. A retching sound resounded from the bathroom followed by another moan of despair. Kakashi looked inside his bathroom to find his girlfriend on the floor looking miserable. He put the kunai away and went to his girlfriend quietly.


"Tori?" He asked gently, and he ducked as a kunai zipped above his head. He smirked at his girlfriend. "Thanks for the warm welcome" Kakashi mused to her. She looked over her shoulder before retching once more in the toilet.

"Kashi" she moaned in pain "I'm dying" Kakashi tilted his head

"Oh really, why do you say that?"

"I am throwing up"

"Did you drink last night?"


"Why are you throwing up then, eat bad food?"

"No, I am sick"

"And so therefore you are dying?" Kakashi asked softly, trying to figure out his girlfriend's logic. She paused to retch once more


"Everyone gets sick Tori"

"I have never been sick, Kashi-kun" Tori said indignantly


"Other than throwing up after drinking, no, never" Kakashi kneeled next to her and patted her back feeling pity for the woman "I have been throwing up throughout the day for the last three days" Tori whined, leaning into Kakashi's arms.

"Have you been to the hospital yet?"

"No" Tori said stubbornly "I hate hospitals"

"I can't believe you convinced me to do this" Tori whined as she sat on the examination table after being pinched and prodded, and having a tongue suppressor gag her, and peeing in a cup, and blood drawn. Tori shook slightly as Sakura entered the room; looking solemnly to the younger female she asked "I'm dying aren't I?"

"Oh no" Sakura said, smiling gleefully "Congratulations, you are going to have a baby" Sakura said, as Tori felt fear and shock flood through her body. Sitting on the examination table Tori felt herself go as stiff as a log as Kakashi felt himself grow with joy at the thought of having a child with Tori. Kakashi did not notice Tori's anguish as his happiness overshadowed it, so it shocked him when five minutes after finding out the good news to him Tori asked in all seriousness

"When can I have an abortion?"

"What do you mean you want an abortion?" Kakashi said after slamming the door. Tori rounded on the silver haired man with as much fire as her hair was red

"I am not having a child,"

"Why not?"

"You'll leave me and I will be stuck raising the child myself" Tori screamed at him, not revealing her true answer as she collapsed on the couch, head in hands as she sobbed. Kakashi, who was shocked at the words spoken slowly sat next to her

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