Guess Who's Scared of the Bipolar Nara?

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Chapter 13

"Holy crap!" Tori yelled in fake realization as Kakashi grabbed the yellow book away from the woman "YOU read porn? I am disappointed" Tori said smirking. Oh how she awaited the day she could annoy Kakashi "No wonder you said I wouldn't like it" Tori said knowingly as she sat on his bed. Kakashi looked at her suspiciously

"You are not screaming at me" He noted

"Why would I?"

"Because I read porn in front of you and my students" Kakashi said thoroughly confused

"Glad to know you think it is wrong and you should be yelled at for it" Tori commented with her index finger pointed in the air "But if you haven't noticed, most of my friends are guys, and in all honesty, aside from James, the fact that the books are the only thing you own that is perverted you are above my friends in matureness" Tori said. Kakashi lifted an eyebrow at the girl, noting the fact the man was still confused she continued "Kevin and Steven both have posters everywhere of women in provocative positions, Dan has a porn collection he shows off to his guests in pride, you and your room are clean, and have nothing provocative save for the books" Tori said. Kakashi looked surprised

"And James-san?"

"James has a girlfriend, remember?" Tori said, and Kakashi looked at Tori in shock

"Want to explain this intuition thing you were talking about?"

"Not particularly" Tori said as she left his room.

"Naru-chan those are herbs not weeds" Tori chastised the boy softly, and Naruto heaved a big sigh

"I hate D-rank missions" he whined

"You have no right to complain Naru-chan, you got to leave the village and do an A-rank mission disguised as a C-rank, I have only done D-rank" Tori said before glaring at Kakashi momentarily "And I am tired of D-rank missions" Tori said pointedly to the man, who sighed before turning a page in his book.

"Hey Tori-san" Naruto said to the woman seated next to him at Ichiraku ramen as she hurriedly ate her ramen in pure delight

"Yeah" Tori said in-between bowls, grabbing the next one eagerly

"Have you ever wondered what is under Kakashi-sensei's mask?" Tori stopped her slurping and looked down at Minato, before continuing to slurp and said

"Not really" Naruto looked shocked

"But Tori-san, you live with Kakashi-sensei; you can go through his things and find baby pictures or something, what if he has fish-lips?"

"If he had fish-lips you would see it from his profile with his mask on" Tori said, and sighed dreamily at what really was under his mask "And by now Kakashi-san has probably hid all of his baby pictures and any evidence he had in the house of him without a mask" Tori said knowingly as she patted the puppy on his head, and his tail began to wag in his seat on her lap happily. Naruto looked confused "And I am not going to be a part of any attempt to find out what he looks like without his mask" Tori said to the pouting boy before finishing off her bowl of ramen and motioning for no more to the owner. She fished out her winnings from her latest bet and handed the owner what she owed "I'll see you tomorrow Naru-chan, bright and early" she said smiling as she allowed Minato to jump to the ground before she got up, and headed to the shoe store

"Ah! There you are!" the shoe maker said happily, producing nearly an exact replica of her Doc Martins. Tori squealed in delight and threw off her ninja sandals

"I don't understand how people stand those" she said pointing to the regular style and putting on her new boots, sighing in the knowledge she would never get rocks and pebbles, dirt and dust, on her feet again. "Thank you they are perfect" Tori said as she twirled around in them and gratefully paid the man

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