Tori's Ramen Adventure

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Chapter 5

Tori stared at the face of Minato on the mountain, his expression hard and dignified and Tori thought once more of Kushina's and Minato's relationship. She wanted someone like that, someone who understood her, steadied her intense whirlwind of emotions, and loved her enough to marry her… and possibly have children…

Naruto flashed in her mind and she fell out of the trance she was in and decided to look away from the Hokage's that were plastered on the mountain's face. Tori stood and looked over to the shinobi with his head buried in the bright yellow book and sighed.

"I'm bored" she said finally

"What do you expect me to do about it?" Kakashi asked

"I don't know" Tori said, throwing her arms in the air as she did so "Anything would be better than boredom" she replied to the man as she sat down next to him

"Read a book"

"I can't read in Japanese" Tori said "Can you teach me how to read?"

"How can you speak Japanese fluently but can't read it?" Kakashi asked looking up at her with his one visible eye. She sighed

"Japanese is kind of my native tongue, but even still, I only know how to speak, not read"

"Fine" The man said and went to his room, Tori followed and saw the Wolf mask and grinned behind his back before feigning shock, stopping in the hallway and pointing

"You are that Wolf ninja that saved me!" She watched happily as Kakashi froze, before looking back at her and then to where she was pointing

"Crap" He said as he put his ANBU uniform away "Don't tell anyone"

"Who am I going to tell? The only ones I know here are Jiraiya, who I dislike at the moment, and my friends, who cannot even form a sentence in Japanese. It will take them a month just to learn the sentence to say you are the Wolf ninja, and by then it would be the farthest thing from their mind" Tori said, Kakashi sighed at her undeniable logic. She was right, and the worst part was, from the wicked smile on her face, she knew it. Kakashi grabbed another book from his massive bookshelf as Tori stepped inside his room, taking a quick look around as she stood next to him, noticing the multicolored tiny books that she knew were the Icha Icha series. Grabbing one she smirked before wiping it off of her face to ask "This one looks interesting, can we read this one?" Kakashi looked towards the book she was holding and paled, he took it out of her hand gently and put it back on the shelf

"You wouldn't like that one"

"Why not"

"… you just wouldn't like it" Kakashi said softly and pulled out another book and Tori was amused at how flustered he was getting over explaining his Icha Icha books to him. Tori was enjoying it immensely. He sat on his bed holding the two books and motioned for Tori to sit down next to him and she obediently complied. "This book is on the history of Konoha, and this one the history of the five great villages and their Kage, which one would you like to read from?"

"The one about Konoha" Tori answered and he put the other book down and opened the book to the end "Aren't you going to start at the beginning?"

"I am"

"But that is the back of the book" Tori said confused

"This is the front of the book, Tori-san" Tori once again bit her tongue when he heard him speak her name.

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