Awkwardness is the Word to be Heard

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Chapter 4

Tori stomped down the steps intentionally and once at the bottom she headed off in the direction she came from.

"Tori!" A female voice said, awakening her from her angry stroll to harm the man who trapped her in this world. Tori spun in time to be collided by a curly blond haired girl a year younger than her. Not expecting to be glomped by one of her friends she fell backwards, unable to keep her balance. Boys out of Tori's line of vision began to laugh as Clair hugged the red head. Tori was now completely distracted from her anger.

"Long time no see" James said, offering a hand to both the girls on the ground

"We were so worried" Claire admitted, smiling

"You look like shit" Steven said

"Thanks asshole" Tori bit back

"You do though, you have crap in your hair and you look like you were in a fight with the chicken from Family Guy" Kevin added. A quick glare in his direction had him looking up to the sky and whistling as he casually got out of the girl's line of sight. Kevin had found out the hard way the harshness of Tori's anger. Dan came up to her and pulled a twig out of her hair

"Are you okay?"

"I have had about three hours of sleep give or take" Tori said "And I ran through the woods, broke my ankle, was showered with kunai, and saved by men in masks. All-in-all a typical start of my day" Tori said sarcastically, causing the group to smile. If Tori was acting sarcastic then everything was perfectly fine. Even though she was often a whirlwind of emotion that changed quickly, she also got over things very easily, and she rarely kept grudges. "You guys are in a good mood all things considering" She admitted

"Well we were worried about you" Dan pointed out

"The Hokage gave us places to stay, they tried to teach us Japanese, it is a very hard language to learn" Claire said, her green eyes sparkling at the challenge. Claire loved to learn, she always took classes at the local college, the harder the better. Her craving for knowledge was insatiable, and in this new environment where she knew nothing, she took the challenge of learning a new language as the threshold for learning everything else in this world. James put an arm over her shoulder, causing her green eyes to look up at the man. His medium length shaggy black hair constantly fell into his eyes, he looked the typical rocker dude, with multiple piercings including snake bites, and he was also Claire's boyfriend.

"Claire is being modest. They tried to teach us guys Japanese, she has gotten to the point where she can speak some words and speak simple sentences." He said, the compliment causing the girl in his arms to blush.

Dan sighed, and Tori turned her turquoise eyes to the dyed orange spiky hair of the boy who still held his drumsticks in his hand. "Those two got the nice ones; ours are creepy with their purplish white pupilless eyes. They smack us if we talk in English." Dan said, tapping the drumsticks on an invisible drum, twirling a drumstick a few times while keeping the silent beat. His brown eyes watched the fast beat of the drumsticks and when he finished speaking he mouthed numbers in rapid succession.

"They are horrible" Steven said, his brown hair in its regular bed head style. "They woke me up, yelling in Japanese and nearly killed me with kunai" Steven, although he was a veteran, was nearly impossible to get up. Tori knew the secret, after being in the same convoy with him months on end; she had gotten the hang of it quickly. She just had to act like a TI (A/N:Training Instructor, the ones in Basic Training that beat the crap out of you physically and mentally. To this day seeing their hat gets me on edge, and I haven't been in Basic for years) yelling at him, calling him maggot, and telling him to drop and hive her 50. Back in her convoy days she would use a water bottle and items from her MRE to create a mild explosive that she would set off a few feet from him when he slept on the job. She doubted she could find the necessary materials to create a mild explosive in this world though.

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