Tori's Exhaustion and Kakashi's Return

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Chapter 12

"This is doing no good, she's clueless!" Anko said to Ibiki, Tori growled

"I can't read Japanese! And I am not clueless!" Tori yelled to the purple haired woman.

"SHUT UP!" Ibiki yelled to the two bickering women "If she can't read than we just have to try a different method" He said, rubbing his temples in his annoyance to the women. Anko glared at Tori as Tori grinned in her accomplishment.

"You have any ideas on how to test her?" Anko asked

"Yes" Ibiki said and motioned for the two to follow him

"What?" Tori said, as she hid behind Ibiki from the Gai and his green jumpsuit clad minion

"You are going to fight them" Ibiki said, motioning to Gai's students

"Three against one isn't fair" Tori whined still not happy about the situation. Anko groaned before grabbing the back of Tori's jacket and throwing her out into the open "Neji-san!" Tori said happily pretending he wasn't on Gai's team. "How has Steven-san, Kevin-san, and Dan-san been treating you and your family?" She asked, totally ignoring the fact that Gai was crouching at the base of a tree trunk crying because Tori and her youthfulness was scared of him. Tenten looked at the older woman suspiciously, not really knowing what to think of her.

"Much better since you showed my family how to properly wake up Steven-san" Neji said, emotionlessly, Tenten tilted her head and Anko grinned

"Well, let's start the spar" Anko said evilly

"But three against one isn't fair!" Tori said again

"They are all Genin, I don't see what the problem is" Anko said. Tori glared at her before sighing.

Tori got into a comfortable kickboxing stance knowing she had to watch out for every single one of them, she also had to pretend she didn't know everything about the three's fighting style.

"Begin" Ibiki said and Tori dodged Rock Lee's kick to the head, using chakra to jump a safe distance away. Tori kept an eye on Tenten; she knew that she was going to get hit by the girl's wicked aim. Since Tori was distracted by Tenten she forgot about Neji and where he was positioned, he hit her in the left wrist with his gentle fist technique and Tori hissed.

"What the fuck was that?" Tori said, completely stopping the spar as she held her weird feeling limb, pretending once more that she didn't know about the technique already.

"It is the gentle fist technique" Neji said, smirking "I stopped the chakra flow to your left hand"

"Who does that?" Tori screamed, Tenten looked amused at the two's conversation as Lee talked to Tenten about Tori's youthfulness, Tenten ignoring him to watch the exchange between the two.

"It is my family's special technique" Neji said, now annoyed by the girl

"Why did the four of you stop?" Anko asked angrily "Keep going" Tori was happy that she was able to survive without the chakra to her left hand as she continuously dodged Neji's ongoing attack, ducking here and there when she heard Lee come from behind. Tori yelled in pain when kunai hit her back. She growled and began to fight Lee with her kickboxing style, jabbing him in the stomach before sending an uppercut into his jaw before jumping away from Neji and Tenten's attacks.

Tori felt her body's lack of energy and held up her hand "I give up" She said, falling to her knees as she took deep breaths

"What? Why?" Anko growled, annoyed that her fun in watching Tori get attacked was cut short

"I can't win" Tori said "If I fought the Mini-him" Tori said pointing to Rock Lee "One on one I would have a chance, he and I have a similar energy level and love for hand to hand combat, but that is not the case" Tori said "When combined with Neji-san whose attacks seal my chakra I cannot keep up with the mini-him and added with the girl who apparently never misses her target I am screwed and there is no possible way I can win" Tori said finishing with a nod.

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