Just Wait and See That I Was Right

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Chapter 20

"What do you mean Madara is coming after you? ! Why didn't you tell me earlier? !" Kakashi yelled as Tori pinched the bridge of her nose to hopefully ebb the oncoming headache.

"Because… ugh you weren't supposed to know about the whole Madara thing until later, and this will probably screw up what I know will happen in the future" Tori said with her eyes clenched shut, the fact that the future in the Naruto world would no longer be how it should have been was a very scary thought, what if Naruto died, or Kakashi stayed dead. "That's the reason I wanted an abortion, I don't want to die, and I do not our child to grow up a life similar to the painful one that Naruto had. I refuse to let that happen, but I don't know how to stop it"

Claire, James, Naruto, Kakashi and Tori huddled together to come up with a plan

"What if you go back to our world?" James asked

"I am a wanted criminal" Tori said "I don't want to endanger my baby"

"But you got a house in Japan, it is safe there" Claire said

"I look like Kushina" Tori deadpanned

"How would they know what Kushina looks like?" Kakashi asked suspiciously. The group from the other world hushed themselves almost instantly

"You kinda are her Tori" James said quickly, intentionally ignoring Kakashi's question, with a smirk "It is a battle of two evils Tori, you can't go anywhere here since you are most likely being followed by Zetsu, and in our world you are a supposed Serial Killer, but you can use chakra, so our world is the lesser of the two evils" Tori sighed

"I am going to need help, and I want Kakashi to be there for the pregnancy" Tori complained "Naruto too"

"So take them" Claire said

"It will screw up the future that we know"

"Why would it "screw up" the future?" Kakashi asked suspiciously again

"What does "Screw up" mean?" Naruto asked. The group once again went quiet, unsure of how to move forward, or answer their questions. James went for ignoring their question once more, since it was just easier for him, and he knew that Tori would have to deal with it later.

"You need to show them our world anyway, why not get settled in the safe house, and introduce them to our world along the way." James said, leaning back in his chair with a smug look on his face. Tori was stubborn, and he knew that, she did not want to leave Kakashi's side when she was so far into her pregnancy which was the main con about going to her world.

"We should talk to Tsunade-baachan." Naruto said and Tori sighed, and Kakashi put his arm around her to comfort his girlfriend, even though he was annoyed that his questions were not being awswered, he accepted the present for the hope that he would finally understand how his girlfriend could know so much about his world.

Tori stood in front of Tsunade and felt her face lose all of its color. Tori did not wish to leave alone, Claire and James wanted to stay here because of their new found friends, Kakashi and Naruto wanted to come, but needed permission, permission that would only be granted by the Hokage, and Tori had no idea what the answer could possibly be.

"So you want me to allow Naruto and Kakashi, two of my best shinobi, to accompany you to your world to keep you company while you avoid the danger of the Akatsuki?" Tori nodded gravely, intentionally leaving out the whole Madara bit. "Is there anything that could possibly be beneficial about this entire idea of yours?" Tsunade asked, resting her head on her hand as she poured herself some sake. Tori stayed silent for a moment before looking over at Jiraiya as an idea popped in her head

"The Akatsuki want to extract the Kyuubi from Naruto, they cannot follow him if he were to go to my world, he would be safe, and Kakashi could act as guard in Jiraiya's place" Tori said, a glimmer of hope in the foreground. Tsunade sipped some of the sake in her cup and looked at the four in front of her.

"That is a very good idea Tori, how long will you be gone"

"I don't really understand the time difference between the two worlds, but I have about a month left before I give birth." Tori said, reminding the doctor that she was in fact eight months pregnant.

"Ah, now that is a problem" Tsunade said, already getting tipsy "But fine go on and go, but be prepared to have your boyfriend to make it up with missions when he gets back." Tsunade said and Tori grinned

Tori and Kakashi went back to their shared space and began packing.

Naruto went to his apartment to do the same.

Tori kept quiet, until getting quite frustrated that she could not reach things that were on the floor. Growling she heard a chuckle before her boyfriend picked up the garment and handed it to her. Tori scowled slightly before grabbing the garment from his hand in a huff.

"I don't like being pregnant" Tori admitted, sitting down on the bed. "I can't see my feet, I hobble instead of walk, I cannot run or do most of the exercises I used to do to keep in shape, I feel drained constantly, and worst of all I can't bend over!" Tori said, ending in a yell. Kakashi sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders and brought her form into him.

"But you glow, and soon we will have a miniature version of ourselves running around" Kakashi said, with his signature grin on his face

"May Kami have mercy on our souls" Tori said with all seriousness Kakashi stopped grinning to look at her "Can you imagine? I was a terror when I was a child, always intentionally getting into fights, having way more energy than was normal, a medical phenomenon, which only added to my absolute anger. I wiped out at people for the tiniest mention of my hair" Tori said with wide-eyed terror "And you were so serious, so quiet, calm collected, I am sure our child will be bi-polar" Tori concluded Kakashi laughed, which made Tori feel embarrassed and confused and he looked at the man next to her "What?" Tori said, anger beginning to rise

"You always look at the negative aspects of things"

"Because it is the negative aspects of things that usually become my reality"

"Our child will be fine, it won't be bipolar, it will be a perfect resemblance of both of our personalities wrapped into one"

"Yeah, bi-polar" Tori deadpanned Kakashi laughed and took down his mask so he could kiss his girlfriend's forehead

"Just wait and see" Kakashi said

"Just wait and see" Tori said before smirking and adding "That I was right" Kakashi frowned before he began to tickle the woman he loved, the mother of his child-to-be, as she squealed with joy.

Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2011 ⏰

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