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Chapter 18

Tori sighed as she looked at the money on the passenger's seat and thought of what to use it on. She still had her promise to Naruto and Kakashi to uphold and sighing she decided to get everything ready for the escape with James and Claire. Using the library in Santa Barbara Tori ordered a plane ticket to Japan and sighed. International flights were expensive, but she had the money, opting to pay at the counter rather than by credit card Tori sighed. Luckily she only needed a one way ticket.

By noon the next day, and the day of her flight, Tori had robbed Kevin blind and taken all his remaining money too, leaving Steven to be robbed last. Tori sighed happily as she recounted the money from the pawn shop after pawning Kevin's items. Tori got into the rental car, after disabling the GPS and replacing the license plates again, and drove down the street, smirking as she decided to test out the speed of the car as she entered the 101. Hitting the gas Tori watched the speedometer rise and nearly at once a police car was on her tail, but Tori didn't care as she wove through other cars, her smirk a fully fledged grin as she drove faster and faster. Before long three more police cars and a few motorcycle Highway Patrolmen were hot on her tail. Her grin grew mischievous as she Hiraishined herself back to Colorado, where she left a mark from her round before this current one, when she was running around the city. Tori snuggled into her seat smugly as she slowed down a bit and drove herself to the Denver airport for her flight to Japan.

Marking the car with the Hiraishin symbol Tori after putting all her weapons in the trunk locked the door and headed inside the Airport. Taking out the goodies she had stolen from before she found a passport and did a quick genjutsu on herself and the passport to make it look like her as she walked through the parking lot. Tori entered the airport and went straight to the airline counter and purchased her ticket with cash, explaining how she felt paranoid about using her credit card on websites, and would rather use cash. Tori smirked when she got her ticket and went directly though security since she was not bringing any luggage and had no weapons. On the other side she headed towards the bathroom, leaving a Hiraishin symbol on the wall, before Hiraishining herself back out to her car to gather up her weapons before vanishing back into the airport. Tori waited patiently for the plane to board and while waiting ordered food, looking at herself in the mirror as she did so. She henged herself to make herself look as plain as humanly possible, mousy brown hair, and brown eyes, her hair done in a way that made her almost forgettable. She had baggy clothes on, so they were comfortable to wear, and flip flops and one would not really look twice at her, when there were other women who were curvier, prettier, and much more glamorous than the face she was using.

After finishing her food the plane was about to board and Tori entered the large international plane that she remembered through her military days and got herself comfortable in her seat for the very long flight.

After getting off in England to refuel Tori stretched and marked the wall before heading out, there was a two hour wait in between flights and Tori was going to see England, at least to make her mark there. Tori happily left the airport and leaned against the wall before heading to the underground, and taking the subway to Camden, where Tori instantly fell in love with the city for the bargains. Checking the time after exchanging her stolen money for pounds Tori Hiraishined herself back to the airport and boarded the plane to Tokyo, dead set on making her path losable.

Tori felt at home in Japan and took the time to be a tourist, taking pictures, and eating food, Tori was having a blast. But Tori had to get down to business, and to do that she had to finish her plan.

Taking a boat to Osaka Tori began house hunting, taking her new Yen out for a drive.

Finding a lovely house far away from the city near the mountains Tori used her remaining money to buy the three bedroom traditional large home. Tori grinned to herself before locking the door to her new home, before heading back to Colorado, and hirashining herself back to California to finish off Steven.

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