Confessions and Surprises 11

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Picture of Kaylies Dress --------------------------------------->

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I woke up in Matt arms, the room was filled with the sun's rays. I was warm and didn't want to get up. I was very comfortable and snuggle closer to him. I sniff his warm scent and heard a chuckle. Crap he was up! I looked up at him and he was staring at me.

"So I smell good huh?"

"Yea you do." I confessed and blushed

"I know and you look cute when you blush." he said and I blushed even more

"Someone's cocky and thanks I guess." 

"You know it and welcome." he said and winked

His winks make me feel all bubbly and happy. I smiled and asked "What are we doing today?"

He blushed and was having an arguement with himself in his head. I could tell because of his facial expression. I nudged him and snapped him out of his arguement. "You ok?" I asked concerningly 

"Yea I'm fine" he said

Then there was an awkward silence.

"Doyouwanttogoonadatewithme?" He said so fast that it took me a few seconds to figure out what he was saying. Since he saved me like three times a date sounds good.

"Sure!" I said and smiled

"Ok good. So you can take a shower or wait till you get home and I'm going to make us some chocolate chip pancakes and no bacon!" He said but was staring at me. I started back and my stomach was all fluttery and his eyes, oh his eyes were so mezmorizing and gorgeous. Somehow we got closer to each other. I didn't notice until our bodies were touching, strong current of electricity filled me and my heart started to race heavily. We were still staring at each but then I came to my senses and backed away and looked at the ground. I heard his feet shuffle and him going downstairs. 

I decided that I would take a shower when I got home. I went downstairs and saw him cooking. A man that could cook is always good, there should be more of them. I went to the window and looked outside. The sun was blazing and kids were out playing. Squirrels were fighting or rolling around being squirrels and birds were chirping. I didn't know how long I stood there but big strong arms wrapped around my waist. I could get used to this feeling. I felt safe and secure in his arm. I laid my head back into his chest. He whispered into my ear "Breakfast is ready." and my ears were all tingly and as he pulled away he breathed on my neck and that made me feel like I was floating on a cloud and happiness erupted me. Then it all died away once he walked back into the kitchen. I followed after him and we ate and talked a little bit. "So where you taking me later?" I asked curiously

"It's a surprise." He said and smirked. Somehow I felt like he knew I didn't like surprises.

"I don't like surprises." I whined

"It's a good one I promise." he said smiling

"What time you picking me up and what should I wear."

"Around 7 and something cute and casual." 


We did the dishes and talked nonsense. After we were done he drove me home. It was around 1 when he dropped me off. Yup we woke up pretty late, around 12. I got home my parents still wasn't home. Oh well. I went up to my room and was startled, on my bed was Chase and Mandy looking furious. "Where were you?" demanded Mandy

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