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Christina's P.O.V

Another day of acting like something I'm not, great (tons of sarcasm in there!) What a world I live in, I can't even eat lunch with regular people and if I don't eat, I can't breathe. You may just think I over exaggerating about the whole I can't breathe thing is I don't eat, I'm not. I'm a vampire, yeah yeah, I know the whole vampires aren't real so shut up. But what you don't realize is that vampires are real, me Christina Gattly, is a vampire so get that through your head cuz I'm moving on. I can't eat human food because I don't get anything from it, no nutrients and vitamins, nothing. Its doesn't even feel me up, if anything it just makes me want to throw up.

To all of you that are grossed out that we vampires have to drink blood, here is why, vampire blood has no oxygen in it. Human blood has plenty of oxygen. So we need to breathe like anything on earth so we drink human blood for air, it may still seem gross but its all we can do. Actually in the vampire and human revolution they made us drink animal blood, but the one that works the most is none other than pig blood. Yep, we have to drink pig blood while you humans can eat all of the disgusting food you call good. So yeah, vampires drink pig blood for food. I feel bad for the animals but we vampires want to live, sorry little pigs.

I've never tried human blood or ever felt the need to drink human blood, they just seem like normal people to us vampires ever since 8000 B.C, but don't get me wrong, some vampires do drink human blood because its like a drug they get addicted to and can't live without. But don't be scared, overall most vampires drink pig blood. So there is the gist of my life, so far, my life isn't all boring. Read about it, you must just like what you read...

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