The Blossom Blooms

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Three months had past since Missy met and became close friends with the members of the rookie group B.A.P. She was almost always with one member of the group, whether it was having eating contests with Daehyun, helping Zelo study or watching movies with Yongguk, they were there. For her, it was like having a family. She missed that. Even though she had become close to the others, she was still struggling with Himchan. Every time they seemed to get close, he would push away. This hurt her, but Zelo encouraged her to keep on him and he will open up. She felt that the others knew something she didn't.

The boys had been promoting a lot over the past two months, and seeing them was difficult. She would bring them homemade lunches and dinner when they were in the studio and keep her distance when she thought they needed some down time. Missy was happy for them because their popularity was increasing and they were being recognised for their remarkable talent. After weeks of promoting, the boys decided to have a movie night in and invited Missy. They wanted to catch up before Missy headed over to Osaka for work for a few weeks. The boys moved the coffee table away from the middle of the living room, threw rugs and pillows on the floor and organised some snacks. Around 4pm, Missy showed up, holding a shopping bag full of food.

"I hope you guys like home made pizza," She said as she placed the bag on the kitchen counter. Zelo helped her put the groceries in the fridge, as the others gathered in the living room, grabbing the snacks.

"You didn't have to bring anything, Missy," Jongup said, "I'm sure we could've found something."

"It's fine, I enjoy cooking and there will be plenty to go around."

Yongguk stood in the middle of the living room, looking through the movies everyone had gathered.

"What should we watch first?" He asked.

"Dawn of the Dead!" MIssy called, "I love that movie. Or Iron Man. What about X-Men?"

Yongguk and Zelo looked at her. "What? I love zombie movies! And I'm a Marvel nerd! You should know that by now," she stated.

"I forgot how un-ladylike you are," Yongguk chuckled and then dodged a cushion thrown at him by Missy, who stuck her tongue out. 

"I don't mind," Youngjae said. "Just put something on." The others agreed and then all groaned when Yongguk put Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring on.

"You said something."

"We didn't mean something that is going to take up half our life time,"  Daehyun muttered. Missy sat in the middle of Yongguk and Zelo, Daehyun and Jongup laid on the pillows and rugs while Himchan and Youngjae took the other chairs. The movie was barely halfway through, when they noticed Daehyun was asleep.

"Alright. next movie," Himchan said, getting up and walked to his room to retrieve another movie. MIssy stood up and looked at Yongguk.

"I'm going to speak to him," she said. He nodded and watched her walk off. Missy approached the door and knocked.

"Himchan, may I speak to you for moment? " she asked.

"Sure, come in."

She walked into the room, leaving the door half open and stood there, looking at him.

"Um, I just want to know if I've done anything to annoy you or something? When we seem to be getting along, you push me away. I know you've been busy, and it's probably me," she paused, noticing him staring at her, "and I'm rambling aren't I?"

Himchan stood up from the floor and walked over to her.

"Missy, you haven't done anything. You're a lovely girl and I'm really happy that Yongguk ran into you," Himchan said, then saw the look on her face, "I don't mean that I'm happy that he almost split coffee on you or anything."

"Well, that's a relief," she murmured, trying to suppress a giggle.

"It's just, um," He paused, "Before all this, I, um." He struggled to spit out the words he wanted and begun to blush. Himchan lent toward Missy, then kissed her. Missy went into shock, her eyes wide open. Her heart pounding fast. Himchan cupped the side of her face and kissed her harder. She pushed yourself up onto the tips of her toes and placed her arms around his neck. Why do I have to be so short? She thought. Himchan felt eyes on them and flicked open his for moment and saw the others grinning from the doorway, with Daehyun giving the thumbs up. He shooed them with his other hand before placing it around Missy's waist, pulling her closer to him. They pulled away, resting their foreheads on each other and stared into their eyes. Missy was blushing a lot, but smiling uncontrollably.

"I've had a crush on you for some time," Himchan said. Missy smiled.

"Well, I guess this explains a lot." They chuckled. Missy kissed him again before letting go.

"Im going to start dinner," she said, still a little red. She walked out the door and proceeded to the living room. Himchan stood there, smiling. Finally. He thought to himself.

Missy started dinner with the help of Yongguk, while the others started the next movie. She kept smiling and blushing occasionally. Yongguk nudged her when they were adding the toppings to the pizzas.

"So," he said slyly, "Was that what you were expecting?"

"You've know all this time, haven't you oppa?" She glared at him.

He laughed, "Yup, it was only a matter of time before he said something. In this case, take action."

"You saw!" She shrieked. He nodded, trying not to laugh as Missy gave him a lecture on privacy. 

Once the pizzas where cooked, Missy placed them on the kitchen table and Yongguk called the boys over. Each of them were delighted at the sight of home made pizza and took a slice of every one. They hovered around the small dining room while they ate and head back to the living room once they had demolished it all. Himchan managed to beat Zelo back to the lounge first and sat next to Missy. Not long into the movie, Himchan and Missy intertwined their fingers and watched the movie in silence.

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