Publicly Announced

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 The past six months had been hard on Missy and Himchan’s relationship. She had been going overseas quite frequently to the Australian Embassy in Japan and the group had been doing more promotion work. They spoke over the phone, Skype and sent funny picture messages to each other but it wasn’t enough. And when they were together, it was with the whole group. They didn’t mind, but occasionally they wanted some privacy. The group were backstage at their M Countdown performance, getting ready for the on call. Himchan was sitting down, playing with a bottle of water held carelessly between his fingers when his phone buzzed on the table.

I’m flying in early! I have a surprise for you!

Himchan smiled. Missy wasn’t due back from Saitama for another week.

How early? Surprise?

He felt a poke on his shoulder, turned around and looked straight into the smiling blue eyes of Missy. Himchan’s face lit up.

“Surprise!” she grinned. Himchan picked her up and swirled her then pulled her closely. She hugged him tightly, missing his smile. They pulled away and looked at each other. It had been almost a month since they had seen each other. He kissed her lightly on the cheek and grinned.

“This is a great surprise,” he said, still grinning. They spoke briefly, before Yongguk walked over, giving Missy a quick hug.

“Welcome back, sorry to interrupt,” Yongguk turned to Himchan, “Ready? We’re up.” He pointed over his shoulder to the side of the stage. Himchan nodded and gave Missy a quick peck on the lips and joined the others who waved as they saw her. The manager walked over, greeted her and offered her to watch from the side. She happily accepted.

The fans were wild and full of energy during the performance. They chanted along with B.A.P singing No Mercy, yelling as loudly as they could. Missy was feeling pumped from the atmosphere alone, and was chanting along with the fans. Every so often, Himchan would catch a glimpse of her mouthing the words and cheering, which would make a grin appear. Finally the performance was over and they retreated backstage.

“That was amazing!” Missy cried out in excitement, hugging each of the members as they came off stage and sliding her arm through Himchan’s as he walked past.

“The energy from the fans was amazing! And you guys were brilliant!” The group laughed at Missy’s excitement and grabbed water bottles, guzzling down the contents. Missy sat down, humming the songs as she waited for the group to change out of their clothes. Once changed, they all headed out the back door, Himchan had his arm around Missy’s shoulders as they headed for the mini-bus and boarded.

 “Did you see that? Himchan has his arm around someone!” A girl squealed.

“I got pictures!” Another called.

“Are we sure it wasn’t just one of the other boys?”

“I’m sure. Let’s go have another look at the pictures.”

“It’s good to finally spend some time together,” Missy said, leaning into Himchan.

“Alone,” he added and kissed her head.

She smiled. The couple were watching the sunset behind the tall office blocks from the hotel balcony before heading off to the movies. They had spent most of the afternoon out. Eating lunch at a small hidden café and walking around the city, shopping and taking photos. The others had decided to head out and give them some privacy. Himchan started kissing her neck and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her body into him.

“You’re cold,’ he murmured, nuzzling into her neck.

“A little,” she whispered. She turned around, placing one arm around his neck and the other stroked his cheek before landing on his chest. They kissed passionately. Himchan picked Missy up and carried her to one of the two double beds, where he placed her gently. He begun to pull away from her and she pulled him to her.

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