The First Contact

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  For over a month, he watched her walk past but he never knew why he did. This morning, Himchan was sitting on the window seat, as he did every morning, watching the people walk past. And he spotted her. Her hair was down, her coat wrapped around protecting her from the cold winter wind and her purple bag slung across her body. He felt a smile creep across his face as she walked past.

 “Why don’t you speak to her or something, hyung?” Zelo called out. Himchan turned to the maknae, who was sprawled across the lounge.

 “What are you talking about?” Himchan muttered, playing innocent.

 Zelo rolled over, propping himself up on his arms.  “Don’t play dumb. We all know you watch her.”

 Himchan blushed and turned his attention back to the window. Yongguk walked into the living room, zipping his jacket up and placing a baseball cap on his head.

 “I’m heading out for coffee, you guys want the usual?” He grinned as Himchan and Zelo nodded. He waved and headed out, the dorm door slamming shut. Zelo turned back to Himchan.

 “Just admit it! You have a crush on that girl,” Zelo smirked. Himchan blushed and avoided eye contact with him. Zelo laughed.

 “Himchan has a crush,” he sung.

 “Go away, Zelo!” Himchan shouted, throwing a pillow at him. Zelo laughed and sung some more as Himchan grabbed another pillow and started hitting him with it.


Yongguk looked at his watch, surprised that he had been out so long but he couldn’t resist buying his new shoes. He headed back to the dorm, picking up the coffee order on the way. The sun poked out from behind the clouds, shining brightly. Yongguk looked up briefly, smiled at the sunshine and then he bumped into someone. He fell backward, dropping the coffee and his shopping bag. He looked at the person he walked into and noticed it was the foreign girl that Himchan looked at.

 “Jwesonghamnida,” she apologised franticly. Yongguk helped her up and apologised as well. She turned to him and apologised some more. Then she looked at him, her bright blue eyes shining in the sunshine.

 “I am so sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going and-”

 “It was my fault,” Yongguk cut her off,” I was looking at the sun.” He pointed toward it.

 “Are you ok? The coffee didn’t spill on you?” She asked.

 “I’m fine. You’re not hurt?”

 She shook her head and started picking up the half empty coffee cups. They cleaned up the mess with the serviettes and discarded the cups in the bin.

 “Please let me replace your order, I feel horrible,” she said. “I won’t take no for an answer.”

 Yongguk laughed and the two walked to the near-by café. Yongguk ordered the group’s usual and the girl paid for it.

 “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” Yongguk mentioned as they waited for the order.

 “I’m Missy,” she smiled, “And I know who you are. Bang Yongguk of B.A.P, right?”

 He grinned and blushed slightly, “You’ve heard of us?” They had only just debuted a couple of weeks ago, so this surprised him.

 “Of course! I’ve followed yourself since you were Jepp Blackman. You are incredibly talented.”

 Yongguk was flattered by this compliment and turned the attention back to Missy.

 “Where are you from?”

 “Australia, but I’ve lived here for almost seven months. I’m a translator,” she added. The two chatted for a while before picking up the order and walking out. They reached the front of the dorm and Missy was saying her goodbye.

 “Hey. Do you want to meet the rest of the members?” He asked. Missy was shocked by this but politely declined the offer.

 “I don’t want to intrude, Yongguk. You’re still a person after all, not just an idol.”

 This made him smile.

 “It’s not that often you meet someone who thinks that way. But I feel oblige to do something for you.”

"Well, if you feel that way. I'll give you my number and we can talk over coffee that's not spilt," she let out a giggle. "As long as you don't mind of course," she added.

"Not at all. You seem like a wonderful person," He smiled and the two exchanged numbers, waved goodbye and headed off in their seperate directions.

 Yongguk entered the dorm, smiling and kept looking at the piece of light purple paper Missy had given him with her number. He called the others, announcing his return and walked off to the living room, coffee and shoes in hand. He sat there staring at nothing before Youngjae joined him and looked at the paper.

"A number?" Youngjae questioned, curious.

"Yeah. Her name is Missy. I almost split hot coffee on her," Youngguk mentioned. Youngjae raised an eyebrow at him.

"That explains why you were gone for so long. So, MIssy," he trailed off. "What does she look like?"

"You know Himchan's foreign girl?"

"You're kidding," Daehyun blurted behind them, clearly he had been earsdropping. "And you have her number? You should give it to him."

"Now, Daehyun, that wouldn't be right," Youngjae murmured between sips, "He may have a crush on this girl, but she will probably feel upset if Yongguk gave out her number."

"I guess you're right," Daehyun sighed. "So what is she like?" He asked his hyung as he sat on the other side of him.

"She's really friendly, polite and she treated me just like any other person. Not a idol. It was a nice change," he grinned, "And she complimented me on my talent." The others chuckled at this while Yongguk grinned. He pulled out his phone and entered her number into the messages and begun texting. After a few minutes, his phone buzzed with a response. He grinned.

"I won't be home for dinner guys."

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