Making Memories Part 1

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The boys had decided to once again start filming almost everything they did, just as a way to remember all the good times they had while doing all the hard work. Missy chased Zelo as he ran to the dressing rooms with his video camera.

“Zelo, you’re such a camera hog!  Give it here,” Missy called out, not liking the idea of being filmed. Zelo turned around, with the camera in hand and grabbed Missy. He turned the camera on the two of them.

“This is my noona, Missy. For the past year she has been a part of my life. She’s help me with my studies and kept us all in line. Right now, she’s here with us on set for our new music video. Say hi to our Babys, noona.”

Missy waved to the camera and gasped. Zelo turned the camera around to Himchan who just changed into his outfit for the music video. His entire outfit was black leather, his hair sleeked back and he walked out proud.

“Wow,” Missy breathed, “You are smoking hot right now.”

Himchan grinned, “I am, aren’t I?”

“You’re so full of yourself,” she giggled as she bit her lip, still checking him out. He leant down to her ear and whispered, “Is this doing something for you?”

She looked at him and winked. He grinned.

“Hey guys, smile,” Daehyun said pointing his camera at them. Himchan pulled a serious face, with an eyebrow raised and arms wrapped around Missy, pressing her to his chest while she grinned.

“That’s a pretty cute photo,” Zelo said, looking at it over Daehyun’s shoulder, who agreed.

“You guys better finish getting ready,” Himchan told them, shooing them toward the dressing room.

“But hyung, we’re already dressed,” Zelo called out as Himchan pushed them. 

Once they were out of sight, Himchan backed Missy up against a wall, and leaned against it.

“So, this outfit is really doing something?” He cheekily asked.

Missy giggled, “I like bad boy Himchan. You look….” She paused, “Sexy.”

He blushed and gathered Missy in his arms, “I love how you flatter me.” They kissed and someone deliberately coughed. Himchan peered over his shoulder at Zelo and Daehyun, who was waving cheekily. They headed off to the set, where Missy sat watching and giving them all words of encouragement and the thumbs up occasionally, while looking for another apartment. The boys agreed that bringing Missy with them would keep her mind off recent events that had caused her to stress and she was still a little shaken up, so Himchan didn't want her to be left alone. Everyone was having a fun time, Missy seemed to relax as the first week went on, even though she was still stressed with apartment hunting, the boys kept her entertained as well as themselves with all kinds of mischief.

 The two weeks of filming went by quickly, the boys were sitting around the living room watching the recordings from their video cameras of the ‘behind the scenes’ they had captured, laughing when Missy walked in, grinning.

“Guess what?” she buzzed with excitement.

The boys turned to her.

 “You brought me cheesecake?” Daehyun asked with excitement.

“My pictures have been developed?” Zelo asked.

 “How do you know when I have cheesecake?” Missy asked grabbing the mango cheesecake from her bag and passing it to Daehyun, who happily danced to the kitchen to grab a spoon. Missy shook her head with a grin and turned to Zelo.

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