The Fight

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"So, do we keep pretending we don't know or finally say something to hyung?" Daehyun asked the boys as they were huddled around the coffee table in the living room of the dormitory. It had been almost a month since they had discovered the relationship of Missy and Yongguk, yet still hadn't mentioned anything to him, letting him go about his business. While keeping it from Himchan as well, who was coming back from visiting his family.

"This is hurting my head," Zelo muttered, slumping his long body over the table. "I think we should just tell hyung. I don't think he will be mad." Jongup nodded in agreement as he slurped on his milkshake.

"If we had told him sooner, like when we found out, I don't think he would be mad," Youngjae advised, stroking his chin. "I think Yongguk would be ropeable now for hiding it. You know he doesn't like liars."

"That's hypocritical of him," Daehyun snorted.

"Hypocritical of what?" Yongguk's voice called from the doorway. All the boys froze in horror, peering at one another.

"Uh-well, we were-" Youngjae stammered.

"Trying to teach Zelo how to use the word 'hypocritical' in a sentence!" Daehyun almost screamed. Causing the other members to slightly jump, with Zelo banging his knees under the table.

Yongguk smiled. "That's good that you're helping with his studies. I'm going out, so text me if you need anything."

They all smiled nervously until the front door slammed shut and they let out a loud sigh of relief.

"That was too close," Youngjae murmured, as Zelo bolted up.

"Hey, why am I the dumb one?" Zelo asked, peering angrily at Daehyun.

Daehyun shrugged. "You're the maknae, it's easier to pin things on you 'coz you're our baby."

"We all know you're the dumb one," Zelo hissed under his breath causing Jongup to choke on his milkshake as he tried to muffle a laugh. Daehyun just glared at him.

"I've got nothing," Daehyun sighed as they all let out a laugh. Jongup placed his cup on the table and started peering at them, the boys waited.

"Should we at least tell noona?" He questioned. "She would be more understanding."

* * *

The soft two knocks on the wooden door brought a smile to Missy's face as she straightened up from packing a box, and gleefully walked through her living to let her guest in.

"You're like Santa on Christmas," She smiled as she let Yongguk in, the smell of fresh coffee following him. "Bringing the best presents."

Yongguk chuckled as he passed her a large mocha. "I hope that doesn't mean you find Santa attractive coz I can't grow a beard."

"No, just attracted to men who have a deep husky voice," She replied as she winked at him. Yongguk shook his head, a big gummy smile present as he placed his take-away cup on her coffee table. Missy placed a kiss on his cheek as she walked by him, manoeuvring past the boxes stacked in the tiny hallway and to the bedroom.

"Watch your step!" She called out as Yongguk tripped over a duffle bag, making his way to the spare room. "The boxes in there just need to be sealed!"

Yongguk picked up the roll of tape from atop a box and started sealing shut the remaining boxes. He had been helping Missy pack and get organised for her return home after being away for almost four years. Yongguk was heavily sadden when she broke the news to him, but understood and decided the best thing for him to cope was to help pack. Although Missy and Yijae had done most of it due to him being back in the studio, which limited his time with Missy.

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