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The next few weeks were chaotic. B.A.P were back in the studio adding the final touches to their next album while Missy had been avoiding some of Himchan’s disgruntled fans as well as declining interviews from gossip hosts. She thought it was best to let Himchan handle the publicity. She was making her way to the studio with today’s homemade lunch for the boys, with headphones in blasting G-Dragon’s album Heartbreaker, when someone purposely ran into her, Missy juggled the bag full of food as she landed on the ground.

“Hey! Watch where you’re going!” She shouted as the girl darted off. Missy thanked the young man that helped her up and gave her a folded piece of paper, saying she had dropped this. Missy stared at it; she didn’t drop anything other than her IPod, which was thankfully still working. She opened the paper and read it in shock. It was a death threat.

 Missy reached the studio, her hood pulled over her head and arms wrapped around the bag of food pressed against her body. She opened the door to the room next to the studio and placed the food on the table next to Zelo, who stared at her.

“Noona, what’s wrong?” He asked, noticing she hadn’t greeted him as her usual cheerful self.

“Nothing Z. Um, where’s Himchan?”

“The others are mucking around in the studio, I’ll go get them.” Zelo got up and hugged Missy then headed next door. Missy pulled out the note, staring at it. She couldn’t believe someone would be so low. The boys walked in, greeting her and Daehyun diving for the food bag. Himchan kissed Missy on the forehead, pulling her hood off.

“There’s defiantly something wrong,” He called out, “She only avoids my gaze when she’s upset or angry.”

She gave him the note and turned to the food, passing the bowls to their hungry consumers. Daehyun leaned on Himchan, reading the note over his shoulder.

“Whoa, that’s extreme,” Daehyun mumbled with a mouthful of food.

“When did you get this?” Himchan asked.

“On my way here, some girl bowled me over and the note was there,” Missy answered.

Himchan passed the note to the others and wrapped his arms around her.

“Bang, I want her to stay with us tonight. Is that alright?”

Bang agreed, “Who knows what these people will do.”

Missy pushed Himchan away, “I’ll be fine.”

“No, you are staying with us,” He argued back.

“And I said I will be fine. I can take care of myself,” Missy responded, her voice raising a little.

The others looked at each other, never seeing Missy raise her voice to Himchan in a serious matter nor ever hearing them argue. Himchan frowned.

“You are too stubborn,” he said and started on his lunch. The group was silent while they ate, which made it worse.

“Noona,” Zelo started, breaking the silence, “Next week we start filming the One Shot music video. You should come.”

The others all agreed.

“You were there when we did No Mercy. Remember how fun that was.” Jongup added.

Missy thought about it for a while, remembering all the mischief the boys got up to last time.

“Sure. I’ve got nothing planned so far,” then she looked at them all, “Just one thing, don’t make me dance again.”

They all laughed and continued chatting about the events of being on set for most of the afternoon.

The rain poured down as Missy packed her bag full of clothes, ready to head out with the boys to film the One Shot music video tomorrow morning, when her phone rang. She looked at the blocked number and decided to ignore it. Her phone rang another three times before she decided to answer it.

“Hello?” She answered. There was nothing. Bloody prank callers. She thought to herself. Missy looked at her alarm clock on the bedside table, it was well after eleven and the storm still brewed on. Missy hated storms, for some reason it frighten her. She crawled into bed and tried to sleep through it. After a few hours, Missy had finally fallen asleep, when the pounding on her front door started. She grumbled to herself and called out.

“Yijae, you know I don’t sleep well during storms. Go away,” she yelled not even thinking. Then her front window was smashed by a brick, glass shattering over her living room. Missy raced for the front door, tearing it open and stepping outside. Yijae came running out from her apartment moments later, with her baseball bat in hand. Missy leaned over the railing and noticed someone running away. Missy gritted her teeth and ran down the stairs after them.

“Melissa!  Don’t do it!” Yijae yelled after her. “God damn it.” Yijae ran into Missy’s apartment and grabbed her phone from the bedside table. She flicked through her contacts till Himchan’s name and picture appeared and hit call.

“Come on, come on. Pick up,” she kept muttering to herself. On the second call he answered.

“Missy, do you have any idea—”

“It’s Yijae. Get over here now. And quickly,” she urged.

Missy, Himchan and Yijae sat on the end of Missy’s bed as the police questioned them. Himchan had his arm wrapped around the shivering Missy, who was drenched from running out into the street. She had her robe wrapped around her and a blanket as well, holding onto Yijae’s hand.

“No officer, I didn’t see them. By the time I got out onto the street, they were gone,” she informed the officer in Korean. She had given them the note and they left, advising her and Yijae to stay elsewhere for a few days while it was investigated. Yijae packed up her valuables and some clothes and was picked up by her boyfriend. Missy headed for the shower once Yijae left and let the hot water run over her. She started to cry. She leaned against the tiled wall. Himchan heard her, walked into the bathroom and turned the water off. He grabbed her bath robe and threw it around her. She collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down her face. Himchan sat on the bathroom floor with her, arms wrapped around her, letting her cry into his chest.

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