chapter 3: Cliche Much?

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The day passed by quickly with the occasional stares at my now very dark bruised cheek. I'm walking to the library to meet Clayton for our study session. I push open the doors and find him sitting at a round table in the corner near a window. I go over to him and take a seat. "Hey" i say trying to sound somewhat nice. "Hi" he replies annoyed that he has to stay and work. "So what do you need help with". "This stupid English assignment" he mutters while sliding a paper in front of me. I take a look at it then explain it to him.

While explaining, I notice him staring at my face with curious eyes. "Can I help you with something" I ask, annoyed that he is not even listening to me. "How did you bruise your cheek and why is your lip busted?", he asks with dare i say a little concern in his voice. "It's none of your business" i said harsher than i meant to say it. I remember the events from the fight last night and cringe at the thought.

He puts his hands up in surrender "Woah, just wondering". He drops the subject but continues to look at my face every now and then while he is working.

2 hours later and i'm walking out of the school with Clayton by my side. "I'll meet you at your house tomorrow after school" he says then walks away leaving no room for discussion. I sigh then start heading home.

I take my keys out of the ignition and walk up the stairs to my apartment. I unlock my door and throw my stuff next to the couch while walking to the kitchen. After winning some money yesterday I managed to buy a few apples and some bread. I scarf down an apple then eat a piece of bread. I have to fight again today because pretty soon i'll have to pay my rent and i don't have enough money at the moment.


It is now 10:30 pm and i'm on my third fight of the night. The guy i'm fighting now who i believe is called 'storm' is way better then the guy i fought yesterday. By now i'm feeling very tired and i don't think i can last much longer. Storm kicks me in my side but i do a upper hook to the side of his face. We both step back a bit then circle each other again. I'm pretty sure he notices my bruise because all of a sudden he jumps on my and continuously punches it. He then punches the same side he kicked and I double over in pain. I really need the money so with every amount of power I have left I push him off me and punch him continuously until he is unconscious. The crowd cheers and I wipe the blood from my nose on my arm. Deciding I've had enough I take my money from the last three fights and leave.

Once I've taken a shower I lay down in my bed and avoid my bad side. "I really have to step up my game". And with that thought on my mind I go to sleep.


I'm sitting in AP biology with a bruised face and a bad side. I've tried very hard to hide my face with my hair but some people noticed my bruise. The bell rings and I slowly get up from my seat, wincing with every move I make. Someone accidentally bumps into me and my side hits the desk next to me. I close my eyes in pain and whimper. "I'm so sorry". I look up and see a boy with blonde hair and green eyes looking at me. He notices that i'm clutching my side "are you alright" he asks with concern lacing his voice. "i'm fine" I say. "i'm really sorry i should've been looking where i'm going. Are you sure you're alright" he asks again and this time I only nod. "Collin" he introduces himself while holding out his hand. "Blair" i introduce and shake his hand. "Well i gotta go but i'll see you around Collin" i say while waving. He waves back then I go to the cafeteria.

I buy myself a salad and walk to the empty table at the back and start eating. While i'm eating I look around and find Clayton sitting at the popular table in the middle of the cafeteria surrounded by jocks and cheerleaders. Cliche much, i think to myself. I see the same blonde girl who's hand i twisted the other day walk over to him while swaying her hips. She sits on his lap and starts kissing him in front of everyone. 2 minutes later they are still in a heated make out session and are 2 seconds away from ripping each others clothes off. I literally gag at the disgusting sight and look away.

School is now over and i'm waiting for Clayton at the front of the school so i could tell him where my house is. I see him walk over after saying bye to his friends. "hey" he says. "Hello, so just follow me in your car and... yeah", I say. "k" is all he says before going to his car which just so happens to be next to my bike. I hop on my motorcycle and i notice him staring. I turn to look at him and his jaw is literally hanging so low i think its going to fall any second now. "Sweet ride" he says while looking at my bike in awe. "Thanks" i said.

15 minutes later we have reached my apartment. I hop off my bike the same time he gets out of his car. I walk in and motion for him to follow me. We reach my apartment and I unlock the door then let him in. He looks around and notices there is only one room and a couch in here because of the next question he asks me, "where are your parents". "They're are both dead" i reply. "I'm sorry". I shrug, "it's not your fault". He nods then sits on the couch. I go to the kitchen and offer him some of the juice I bought the other day. "Thanks" he says when I hand it to him. "No problem" I reply.

I explained the worksheet to him and he started to work on it. All of a sudden he pokes my bad side numerous times and i'm closing my eyes in pain and mentally whimpering. "What do you want!" i yell after about 30 seconds of non stop poking. "I'm hungry" is all he says then goes over to my fridge.

He opens it before I could stop him and looks at me questioningly. "Is this all you have?" he asks before opening my cupboards and finding nothing. I nod and look down, ashamed that I could barely afford anything. "Are you hungry?" he asks me. I nod again.

He walks over to me and grabs my arm then leads me to the door. "Where are we going?" I ask. "We are going grocery shopping" he replies. "Wait, I don't have enough money to buy food". "Don't worry its on me" he says. "No, you don't have to do that". "You're right, I don't have to but I want to and you are not going to argue with me".

It's now been 25 minutes and i'm sitting in Clayton's car while we are stuck in traffic. Clayton is currently singing along with the radio while I'm just staring out the window. We've been stuck in the same spot on the road for the past five minutes and it doesn't look like we are moving anytime soon.

Clayton then starts poking my side, the same side that has been in pain since yesterday. Seriously whats with this guy and poking me, I think to myself. He keeps poking while i hiss in pain and grab my side. He notices this and stops poking and looks at me, concerned. "Are you alright" he asks worriedly. I nod while i'm still bent over clutching my ribs. "Hey, it doesn't really look like it, are you sure you're alright". I nod again but he doesn't believe me.

He reaches over and lifts my shirt up before I can stop him and his eyes go wide at the sight of the huge bruise on my rib cage. I'm now leaning against the window with my eyes closed while he is still looking at the bruise. Clayton glides his fingers on the bruise and i wince again because A) it hurts like hell and B) his fingers are cold.

He quickly pulls his hand back when he sees me wince. "How did that happen" asks Clayton. "It's nothing" I mutter while looking away from his worried eyes. "Blair it doesn't look like nothing, now tell me what happened", I just shake my head. He keeps questioning me and I can't take it anymore. "Fine" I say. "I'm a street fighter and I fight at an underground bar okay. Are you happy now". "Why would you fight though". "That discussion is for another day" I say. He just nods. "Listen, we need to get you to the hospital". "No,no,no,no, please don't take me to the hospital" I say on the verge of tears. "Blair, it's just going to get worse just let me take you". I sigh, then nod knowing how stubborn he is and won't let me go unless he takes me to the hospital.

5 Minutes later and we are headed for the hospital. My eyes are very droopy and I feel very sick. I try to keep my eyes open but I couldn't anymore. I let my eyes close with only one thought on my mind. The bad boy knows my secret now.

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