Chapter 15: Where Am I?

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I slowly crawled over to the edge of the cliff being careful not to fall over and look for Clayton's figure in the water. He was swimming towards a rock then hopped on it.

"Are you okay?" I asked, loud enough for him to hear me.

"Never been better!" Clayton yelled while raising his hand and giving me a thumbs up.

I sighed in relief and he started climbing up the rocks that lead to the top of the cliff.

Once he finally got up he flashed me a smirk, "do you wanna have a go?" he asked.

I gave him an 'are you kidding me' look due to the fact that half my body was sore.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding"

Clayton sat down next to me and we both just stared off into the distance lost in our own thoughts. I decided to break the silence since he obviously wasn't going to be doing so anytime soon.

"Are we friends?" I ask, shyly.

"Acquaintances" Clayton replied rather harshly. But before I can question him he continues,

"it takes a lot to be a friend. You see, Jackson and Parker took 2 years to become my friends. I'm not exactly the type to have a large group of friends and only you, Parker and Jack know my life story or at least part of it."

I nod, understanding where he is coming from since I too do not like having many friends.

"I understand" I say.

Suddenly, my head starts to spin and my vision blurs a little bit. Clayton notices this , "hey, are you okay?" he asked with a hint of concern and worry in his voice.

"Yeah, i'm fine but can you take me home please?" I asked. He nods his head and gets up while I do the same but slower because of my injuries.

Once I have gotten both feet planted on the floor I am instantly swooped into long muscular arms. I look up and see Clayton's face but a blurrier version of it. Without thinking my arms wrap themselves around Clayton's neck, bringing me closer to him.

When we finally get to his car he unlocks it and places me in shotgun then closes the door. He runs to his side and gets in also then turns the car on. By this time my eyes are drooping and my head is pounding.

It feels like 100 banshees are screaming all at once right next to my ears. Yup, that is indeed how bad it hurts.

As he is driving, Clayton turns his head to look at me with a concerned look on his face.

"Are you alright?"

"mhhmm" I hum trying to open my eyes to properly look at him.

"Shit, it's worse than I thought" he cursed and stepped on the gas pedal harder.

My eyes completely closed on their own and I was met with darkness.

"Dude, I don't know what happened she just passed out in my car"

That voice was very familiar.

"Well what happened before that"

That voice was different but still very familiar.

"She started to get dizzy and then once I got her in the car she couldn't hear anything I said and then Blair just passed out" said the first voice.

I tried opening my eyelids countless times but they wouldn't budge. I tried one final time and they opened. The voices were still talking so I looked to the corner of the room I was in and saw 3 boys. Clayton, Jackson and Parker. I sat up slowly being careful not to hurt myself and took in my surroundings. I was on a large bed with a soft dark blue blanket draped over me. The walls were the same shade of blue as the blanket which gave the room a cozier feel.

Once all the boys noticed me they ran over to my side.

"You're awake" they all sighed in relief.

"Where am I?" I asked most likely looking very confused.

"In my room. You passed out in the car and I carried you to my house 'cause I had to keep an eye on you to make sure you are alright, then I called the boys and they came here as soon as they could" Clayton says.

"How are you feeling now?" asked Parker.

"My head hurts like shit" I say before laying back down and closing my eyes.

A large warm hand is pressed onto my head and I open my eyes to find that the hand is attached to Clayton's arm.

My heart beat starts to go faster but I don't know why.

"You have a fever" said Clayton then removed his hand. Immediately I missed the warmth that it gave me.

"Here take this" Jackson said and handed me 2 pills and a glass of water. I took then and washed the pills down with the water.

"Thanks Jack"

"Anytime 'lil munchkin" he said grinning.

If I wasn't so tired I would've smacked him for the nickname but for now I just settled for a playful eyeroll.

My eyes started to close for the second time as I lay back down on the soft pillow.

"We'll let you sleep now. If you need anything we will be downstairs" said Clayton as he kissed me forehead followed by the other 2 boys.

I nodded and instantly fell asleep. 


Please leave a comment and vote!  (By the way my real name is Jude and yes that can be a girl name also :p)


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