Chapter 10

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             Clayton's POV

(Before the fight)

Once Blair left I decided to go to the fight tonight that Jackson and Parker told me about. They said some wimp challenged one of the best fighters in town.

(At the fight)

The crowd roared as 'Thunder' went up on the ring. They called up his opponent named 'Black Jack' and the crowd was very silent.

I'm currently at the fight with Jackson and Parker. A girl steps onto the ring wearing a mask and black shorts and a white shirt. She looks very familiar. Every thing happened way too fast. The guy pounced on her and threw punches everywhere possible while she tried to block and dodge them. Black Jack blocked most of his hits but the guy was too big so he managed to get a few good hits at her face. He then kicked her left ribs and she stumbled back. Thunder took this as an opportunity and tackled her to the ground and punched her left then right. While he was punching her, her mask fell of and I can;t believe what I saw. 


I ran towards her with Parker and Jackson trailing behind me with wide eyes. Parker and Jackson peeled him off her but it was to late, she was already unconscious. I ordered them to beat the fucking shit out of Thunder while I grabbed Blair and ran towards my car. I placed her in my backseat and hopped in the drivers seat and sped off to my office. When I was driving I kept glancing at Blair through my mirror and noticed how lifeless she looked. Her face was very pale and there was a cut going from her eyebrow to her cheekbone and her lip was busted. Blair also had a huge bruise forming under her eyebrow and on her jaw. This is all my fault, I shouldn't have let her go to the fight, I though to myself.

Once I got to my office, I called Austin and Mason to help me clean her up. You might be wondering who Austin and Mason are and what office i'm talking about. Well, i'm a gang leader and Austin and Mason are a part of the gang. My office is inside the gang house. Parker and Jackson are also part of my gang. 

I gently put her on the bed in the medical room. Immediately, Mason and Austin started to work on her face. I had to clean the big cut on her ribs so I grabbed the bandages and hydrogen peroxide from the cabinet and some cotton pads.I lifted her shirt up to be able to clean her cut. I noticed she had a 6 pack that was currently covered in dark blood. Damn, was one word to describe her body. Once I snapped out of my daze I poured some hydrogen peroxide on the cotton pad and dabbed her cut clean. It continued to bleed so I got the needle and medical thread and stitched the cut together. 

Even after I stitched it, it continued to bleed so I wrapped it in the bandages and sighed when I could no longer see blood. I pulled her shirt down after glancing at her stomach for a minute and checked on how it was going with Austin and Mason. "How is she doing?" I asked. "She is going to be fine, we just need to give her pain killers when she wakes up and she won't be able to move much" said Austin. "Yeah, and we'll need to change the bandages every few hours to make sure her cuts don't get infected" added Mason. I nodded, "Thanks guys, you should go home and get some sleep I can stay here with her" I said. "Alright man but just call us when she wakes up or if anything happens and make sure you sleep too Clayton" said Mason. I nodded again and they patted my back on the way out. Just as Austin was about to walk out he stopped , "Hey Clayton," "mhm?" I asked. "She's a keeper" he said with a wink and walked out leaving me confused.

I took in her condition and winced at what I saw. There were bandages all over her face and bruises on her jaw and eye. Her face was battered up and the cut on her ribs was still bleeding through her shirt. I went to grab some more bandages from the cabinet and saw that there was no more left. Without thinking I took off my shirt and wrapped it over her cut. 

My eyes started to droop and I decided to get some sleep. I sprawled out on the 3 Chairs next to her bed and let darkness consume me.

Not even half and hour later my phone started buzzing. I picked up the phone without checking the caller ID and pressed it to my ear.

"Hello" I said, my voice groggy.

"Clayton man, we just beat the shit out of Thunder. Where did you take Blair?" asked Jackson.

"Dude, I took her to my office."

"Alright we will be there in about 5 minutes" he said before the line went dead.

Not even 2 minutes later the front door to my office slammed open startling me from my sleep. My 2 best friends walked in and took in Blair's appearance with wide eyes. 

"Holy shit" muttered Parker and Jackson at the same time.

They both turned to me "Is she okay?" asked Jackson.

"She got beat up pretty badly but don't worry she is going to be alright" I assured them.

They nodded and opened the cabinets to aid their split knuckles which i'm guessing were from when they just beat up Thunder.

Once they finished, they sat down for a while and just looked at Blair, nobody saying a word.

"Guys, go home and get some sleep, I'll stay here with her" I told them breaking the comfortable silence. They hesitantly nodded and got up. "Call us when she wakes up or if anything goes wrong" said Parker. I nodded and soon they left after saying our goodbyes. 

I looked over Blair for 5 minutes before my eyes closed by themselves.

I woke up at around 6 am and sighed, disappointed that Blair hadn't woken up yet. I walked to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. I took the bowl back to the medical room where Blair currently was and sat down in the chair next to her bed. 

Why did I let her go to the fight. This is all my fault. I'm so stupid . 

While I was lost in my thoughts a soft voice broke me out of it. 




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