Chapter 6

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I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock to silence it. I rolled out of bed and went to shower. After my shower I walked over the kitchen and took out the cereal and a bowl. While eating my cereal I checked my phone for messages. Once I was done I went to my room and put on a graphic tee and skinny jeans. I threw my leather jacket over since it was a little cold then walked out the door.

At school, I was sitting at the back table alone and eating my lunch. The sound of high heels clacking on the floor echoes through my ears and the sound stops next to me. I look up and see the same blonde that I ran into on my first day standing there with a smirk on her face, with 2 cheerleaders behind her. This is so cliché, I think to myself.

"May I help you?" I ask through gritted teeth. "Look at this looser, guys" she points to me while talking to her friends behind her. They obnoxiously laugh while I stand up. "Perhaps our first encounter didn't do you good. Would you like me to actually break your wrist this time". She looks taken back but quickly gathers herself. "Who do you think you are" she squeals while her hand goes up. She is about to slap my when a hand grips her wrist stopping it from making contact with my wrist. I look over to my hero and see Parker standing there with a disgusted look on his face directed towards the bimbo. She huffs, "Parker babe what are you doing" faking her innocence. Parker drops her wrist and shakes his head, "I think you should sit down Lexi". She walks away but not before turning to look at me and mouthing 'this is not over'. I roll my eyes and look at Parker. "Thanks" I say with a smile. "No problem" he says then casually puts his arm on my shoulder while walking. "So there is this huge party Friday night and I was wondering if you'd come with me and the guys" he asks hopefully. I hesitated because I have never been to a party before. "No thanks, I think I'll pass". "Oh come on, it'll be fun I promise and if you don't like it I'll drive you home" he asks again. I sigh and nod. He cheers, "Great, we'll pick you up at 8". He hugs me then walks off.

Looks like I'm going to my first high school party.

Time flew by and it's already Friday. I'm standing in front of my mirror wearing a dress that Parker bought me. It was a simple black dress that ended a little above half my thighs. I matched it with black heels. Jackson was actually nice enough to take me to the mall to get my hair and makeup done claiming that 'we don't hang out enough and he wants to get to know me'. I had a silver and black smokey eye and vibrant red lipstick while my medium long brown hair was straightened perfectly.

My door bell rings and I walk out of my room to answer it. Clayton, Jackson and Parker are standing there in jeans and button up shirts with their sleeves rolled up. "Hey Blair, you ready to go" asks Clayton. I nod and we walk out.

The car ride was filled with music and the guys laughing. Jackson speaks up, "Blair you look really nice tonight" he says while looking at me. "Thanks you don't look so bad yourself" I say and the boys laugh.

Once we get to the party Clayton tugs my wrist a little. "Make sure you stay with one of us the whole time because I heard some people from eastwood high might crash the party so we'll make sure you stay safe. I ju8st nod feeling nervous and we walk through the front doors.

The house is already filled with sweaty teenagers dancing, drinking and making out everywhere possible. "I'll go get us some drinks" say Parker before heading off. 5 minutes later and he is back with 3 cans of alcohol in his hand. He hands one to me and one to Jackson. We open the cans and I take a swig of it. The liquid burns my throat. I look over at Clayton and notice he isn't drinking anything. "Hey aren't you going to drink something" I ask him. He shakes his head and says "nope, I don't drink". I nod understandingly.

2 hours later I'm completely wasted and dancing on some guy right now. After getting tired I set off to find the kitchen when somebody slams me against the wall. A very unfamiliar guy is standing there and then he kisses me. I use all my effort to push him off but it doesn't work. He continues kissing me and his hands are roaming my body. I punch and kick but nothing works. I try to yell for help but he only takes that as an opportunity and slips his tongue in my mouth.

All of a sudden someone manages to pry his body off of mine and punches him continuously. Clayton is there punching him until he falls unconscious. He comes over to me to see if I'm alright but before he can even come 1 meter near me someone tackles him to the ground. Clayton punches the guy who tackled him and 3 others join the fight. Parker and Jackson soon join the fight and everyone at the party is just staring, too scared to even move.

I couldn't stand there and do nothing so I go over and punch the first guy I see. He looks shocked but soon starts punching me continuously. I've had years of training so I block most of his punches. Clayton pries him off of me and beats him shitless. The other guys hurry off, too scared to even fight anymore.

Clayton and the guys rush to my side to see if I'm okay. Their eyes are filled with worry as they look me over for any cuts or bruises. "Are you okay, did they hurt you, gosh we shouldn't have left you" says Clayton. "Yes, not really, and don't blame yourselves I shouldn't have wondered off" I reply. They all hug me at the same time relieved that the guys who I'm guessing were from Eastwood haven't managed to hurt me.

While Clayton, Jackson and Parker are hugging me a sharp pain courses through my side. I wince and pull back while holding onto my ribs. I bend over in pain and shut my eyes hoping the feeling would just go away.

The guys rush to my side and Clayton lifts me up and motions for the guys to follow. Considering Clayton is the only one who knows about my ribs I'm going to have to explain the Jackson and Parker sooner or later. Clayton places me in the back seat of the car and goes to sit in the driver's seat. The car starts moving forward and I'm in the back with Jackson while Parker is in the front with Clayton driving since he is the only one who didn't drink.

"Where exactly are we going" I ask remembering that I have no idea where this car is taking us. "I'm taking you home, then I'll drop the guys off at their houses" he says while focusing on the road. I apologize for ruining their night, they shrug it off and say don't worry about it.

Once we get to my apartment, I open the car door but before I can get out Clayton has already scooped me up in his arms. I squeal and grab onto him so I don't fall. He carries me all the way up to my bed before tucking me in. Clayton kissed my forehead then whispered "goodnight Blair". "Goodnight Clayton". And with that he leaves. I allow darkness to take over with a thought in my mind.

Tonight was crazy.


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