Chapter 11

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"Blair!" I yell as I rush over to her side.

She tried getting up, but winced and lay back down in pain.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Here take these they will help ease the pain but they'll make you a little drowsy" I said as I handed her some pain killers and a cup of water.

"Thanks" Blair said before swallowing the pills down with the water. I nodded in response and sat in the seat next to her bed.

"So how are you feeling?" I asked.

"Like a million bucks" she replied sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled softly. "I'm serious, how are you feeling?" I asked again with a serious expression on my face.

"It hurts but I think I can manage" she said honestly this time.

Her eyes started to close and her breathing became heavier.

"I'll let you get some rest and I will talk to you when you are feeling better" I say. She nodded and I shut the lights off then closed the door behind me.

I thought now would be a good time to call Parker, Jackson, Mason and Austin to let them know she woke up. Once I called each one they said they would be here soon then hung up.

Not long after the front door burst open and in came Parker and Jackson.

"Where is Blair?" they asked at the same time.

"She's in the medical room,sleeping" I said while pointing my thumb towards the medical room behind me.

Jackson sighed and sat down, Parker doing the same.

"How's she doing though" asked Jackson.

"She is actually doing well considering the beating she took yesterday" I reply.

They nod their heads and we sat in silence for a while, lost in our own thoughts, until Mason and Austin came in through the door panting.

"Dude we ran here as fast as we could" said Mason, trying to regain his breath.

"How's Blair doing?" asked Austin.

"She is doing alright but she is sleeping right now and I gave her the pain killers" I reply taking a seat on the bar stool in the kitchen.

20 minutes of everyone thinking had passed by when the medical room door opened and Blair walked through it...more like limped through it.

She was holding onto her abdomen while her face looked pale and beaten up, and she was balancing herself on the wall, closing her eyes in pain.

All 5 of us ran to her before she could fall to the ground. I carried her bridal style back into the medical room being careful not to hurt her even more. Gently, I placed her on the bed while all the guys shared a look that I didn't quite understand. Mason gave her some more pain killers and water, which she gladly took.

My eyes raked over her beat up figure and landed on her blood stained shirt. Immediately, I took out the bandages that Austin had bought on the way here this morning and the antiseptic. I grabbed a few cotton pads and returned to the bed she was currently laying on. I puller her shirt up and she instantly grabbed my hand stopping my from pulling her shirt any higher.

"What are you doing?" she managed to whisper while coughing.

"It's okay, just relax. I'm only going to clean your cut and replace the bandage" I told her softly.

She nodded and lay back down.

I puller her shirt farther up to be able to see the blood covered bandages.

I ripped off the bandages and started dabbing the antiseptic on her cut to clean it. She hissed in pain once the antiseptic touched her skin and I retreated my hand instantly. Blair nodded at me to continue so I started dabbing the cut again. Her hand was in a fist while her other hand was in her mouth to prevent her from crying. I finished quickly then bandaged it. Blair had relaxed once I finished, "Thank you Clayton" she said with a small smile on her lips. I nodded and gave her a smile back.

The boys started talking to her while I just stayed quiet, feeling guilty about what had happened.

After about 30 minutes of them talking to her she fell asleep. I pulled the blanket over her and walked out of the room with the boys towards the lounge room.

I froze in my tracks when I heard a deep voice that I knew all too well.

"Well, well. If it isn't Clayton and his little gang"

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