Chapter 4

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~~~ Clayton's POV~~~

I'm currently driving Blair to the hospital and i can't help but feel bad for poking her bad side. But who would do such a thing to her? That's what I really want to know.

We've arrived at the hospital and she is still sleeping so I carry her in while making sure to avoid her ribs. The hospital smells a lot like cleaning supplies which i'm guessing they used to keep the place sanitized. I set her down on the chair in the waiting room then go to sign her in.

"Hi, can I sign in my friend Blair Evans she seems to have bruised ribs".

"of course, if you don't mind just sitting in the waiting room for a few minutes for the nurse to take her" she smiles at me. "Thank you" i say while walking back to the waiting room.

3 minutes later a few nurses come in with a gurney and they set her on it then take her to a room.

About an hour and a half has passed before a doctor comes in. "Blair Evans". I shoot out of my seat and go over to him. "So she does in fact have bruised ribs and we've given her some pain killers. I would suggest to keep her over night then have someone pick her up tomorrow to ensure she is well taken care of. She should be taking it easy for the next 3-4 weeks in order to heal. Other then that she is perfectly fine so if you would like to see her now you can, just follow me. I nod and follow him to her room.

He stops in front of a room which i'm guessing is hers then motions for me to go in. I walk in and see her staring out the window, not even noticing my presence. "Hey" i say quietly so i wouldn't startle her. She just smiles at me and looks back out the window. "How are you feeling?" "like a million bucks" I shake my head and laugh at her sarcastic retort. I see her eyes start to close and i get up to leave so she can sleep. "I'm gonna let you rest now but i'll be back tomorrow to pick you up". She nods and smiles. I have my hand on the door knob when i hear her voice "Hey Clayton, thanks I really appreciate it". "No problem". With one last smile i leave and walk to my car.

Oh shoot! I completely forgot the fact the she barely has any food. I quickly turn and drive towards the grocery store. I decided to stock up her fridge and pantry since she is the one tutoring me.

It is now 7:45 pm and I've got 2 cart fulls of food and drinks in my trunk and i'm headed to her apartment. Once I get there i carry all the bags up to her door. I open the door which was unlocked since i didn't give her a chance to lock it when I dragged her out. I put all the bags on the counter then start to put the groceries away.

After I put everything away then go to clean up my stuff. While i'm cleaning I see something sticking out from under the cushions of the couch. I go over and pull it out and my eyes widen at the sight of it. It's a 49 caliber handgun. Why should she have a hand gun? I think to myself. I quickly put it back then walk out of the apartment while locking the door. I seriously need to question this girl soon. She is definitely full of mysteries.


I'm walking out of the school parking lot after saying bye to my best buds; Parker and Ethan. While driving to the hospital to pick up Blair I can't help but wonder what it is she is hiding.

I make it to the hospital then sign her out. The lady at the front desk tells me to wait in the waiting room for her to come out so that is where I am now. After about 5 minutes of waiting she comes out and when she sees me she smiles. "Hey" she says. "Hey how are you feeling now". "Better" replies Blair."What do you say we get you home" I ask and she just nods her head.

Once we get to her complex building we walk up the stairs to her apartment. She unlocks the door and I walk in after her. "Blair I have a question for you" I say. "Go for it". "Why is there a 49 caliber handgun in between your cushions?" Her eyes widen at the question and she says "U-um you s-see its a long story". "I have time". " You know what i'm very tired maybe you should go so I could get some rest" she says while fake yawning. "Blair" i say in a firm voice. Sighing, she senses how i won't let this go she motions to the couch, "you better get comfortable, its a very long story".

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