Chapter 9

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He was there. It was him. Declan captured me and I was now tied to an old wooden chair in a warehouse.

"I finally found you". His voice alone sent shivers down my back. "Fuck you!" I screamed at him trying to free myself. "Oh you swear?" he faked being surprised, "your parents really should have taught you better" he smirked knowing his words hit home. "Don't you dare talk about my parents like that!" He was in a close enough distance for me to kick him where the sun doesn't shine. "Kill her" he ordered, anger seeping through his voice as he bent over in pain. His men all gathered around me in a circle and aimed their guns at my head. "Let me go you bastards" I cried as they all had their fingers on the triggers. At this point I was screaming and tears were pouring out of my eyes.


"Blair" the voice sounded very familiar.

"Blair wake up!"

I bolt upright as my eyes shot open only to be met by concerned brown ones frantically searching my face.

"Blair, what happened? I heard you screaming so I came in and you were crying in your sleep."

I wiped my tears but new ones kept streaming down.

"I-I'm fine, s-sorry I woke y-you up" I stuttered.

"I don't care if you woke me up. And that's bullshit you are not fine. Now tell me what has you crying at 2 in the morning" he said softly while cupping my cheek and using his thumb to wipe off my tears.

"I-Its nothing, trust m-me" I cried.

He stared at me for a minute studying every inch of my face before he sighed. "Fine, I won't make you tell me but just know that you can tell me, okay?"

I nodded and he pulled me in for a bone crushing hug.

"Thanks, now go back to sleep, i'm sorry for waking you up Clay" i say while yawning.

"Don't sweat it. Try to go back to sleep and if you can't you can go raid my kitchen or come wake me up" he says also yawning.

I nod when a thought comes to my head. "Hey Clayton," he turns around "where are your parents anyway?" I ask.

He stiffens, "That conversation is for another day" and with that being said he turns around and walks out of the room.

Sighing, I lay down and surprisingly drift off into a dreamless sleep. *****************************************************************************************************

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and eggs. My stomach grumbled with hunger as I trudged my way downstairs. The sight I saw when I walked into the kitchen was absolutely breath taking.

Clayton was flipping pancakes, shirtless while singing a song. His voice was amazing and his back muscles rippled with every move he made. Only one word could describe this.


I might have been watching his every move for the past five minutes.

"Stop staring, i'm flattered that you love my sexiness but its also creepy" he said. I jumped up surprised, and held a hand to my heart.

"I wasn't staring and you are not sexy" I said while covering my face with my face with my hair to hide my blushing cheeks.

"mhm, keep telling yourself that" said Clayton while smirking.

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