Chapter 8

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"On your marks, get set, go!"

A gun shot fired and the cars sped across the tracks trying to win the 2 grand that they used to enter the race.

Clayton is in second place but I'm pretty sure he won't be there for long since Jackson was telling me about how good he during lunch. There was a right turn soon so Clayton slammed on the gas and sped around the turn leaving him in first place. The driver behind him goes faster so that Clayton and him are right next to each other.

As the finish line was approaching Clayton went faster and faster until he crossed the finish line first and the slowed his car down. He stepped out and a smirk was on his face as he walked over to collect his money.

The guy who was in second place stepped out of his car with an angry scowl on his face at the fact that he just lost 2 grand over a race and marched over to Clayton. Before I could move a muscle his fist raised into the air and collided with Clayton's jaw. Clayton stumbled back and hisses in pain. He recovers quickly and looks at the guy who just punched him.

They start throwing punches back and forth until they are both lying on the ground fighting each other. Knowing that this is what I trained for in the past two years I ran over to them and pried the guy off of Clayton and threw punches and kicks everywhere possible. Due to the freezing weather and the punches I just threw my punching hand is now bleeding with slits across my knuckles. The man pushed me off of him and threw punches at my face.

I blocked most of them but the tiredness soon took over and he managed to punch my jaw twice in the same spot. He caught me off guard and punched my stomach knocking the wind out of me. I double over in pain as I try to catch my breath. Clayton soon gets off the ground and all hell broke loose.

"You son of a bitch! Get the fuck off of her you bastard" yelled Clayton as he pounced on the guy and threw punches to his face knocking him unconscious while I lay helpless on the floor clutching my stomach. Once Clayton was sure that he was unconscious he kicked him hard in his stomach and spit in his face. He turned around and noticed the crowd that has gathered staring at Clayton with fear in their eyes.

"What are you looking at" Clayton hissed as the crowd flee.

He then looked at me and his eyes instantly softened. He rushed over to my side with worry, anger and concern in his eyes. "Are you okay? How bad did he hurt you? God I'm so stupid for bringing you here I knew this would happen" he said, eyes frantically searching my body for any broken bones or scrapes. "Yes, a little, and it was my choice to come here or not so don't blame yourself" I told him as I struggled standing up.

Once I was on my feet I toppled over in pain and fell to the ground again only to be saved by two big strong arms. Clayton pulled my weak body up and carried me bridal style to his car. He gently seated me in his Lamborghini and put my seat on for me. Then he walked over to the driver's seat and revved the engine, soon we were heading off to god knows where.

On the way to our destination my eyes started to droop while I tried to stay awake. I couldn't keep them open anymore and dozed off to a dreamless sleep.

I woke up and noticed that I was no longer in Clayton's car but in a bed. I looked around trying to recognize where I am but it was no use. I crawled out of the bed and went downstairs only to remember the place I am in as Clayton's house.

I walked into the living room and saw Clayton sprawled out on the couch in sweatpants that hung low on his hips and wearing no shirt which revealed his sculpted torso with not only a six pack but and eight pack. I wanted to run my fingers along his abs so bad but refrained because that would be creepy.

He noticed my presence as I walked in and he stood up, running his hands threw his hair.

"Hey" he said. "Hey, why am I in your house" I asked cutting straight to the chase.

"Well, you fell asleep in my car and I carried you here and you are here because I wanted to keep an eye on you to make sure you are okay" he replied. "Thank you" I said and he only nodded.

"So I ordered a pizza while you were knocked out and it should be here in 5 minutes". I nodded and sat down on the sofa.

10 minutes later we were sitting on his dinner table eating pizza. Every now and then Clayton kept looking at my slit knuckles and finally he said something.

"Blair, let me see your hands" confused I gave him my hand and he looked at the cuts.

"How did this happen" he asked softly.

"That was when I punched the guy who jumped you" I said.

"Why did you punch him, I had everything under control" he asked.

"I don't know, it was just instinct I guess" I replied honestly.

He nodded and continued, "Okay, once you are done eating we'll get you cleaned up" he said. I nodded and finished eating my pizza.

Once we were done Clayton lead me up to the room I had slept in earlier and told me to sit on the bed. He walked out of the room and came back in with a first aid kit and some clothes. Clayton gently grasped my hand as if I would break apart if he tightened his hold. He pulled out a wet towel that was the size of his hand and dabbed at my cut. I winced and pulled my hand back when I realized that there were chemicals on the towel.

"Hey, hey it's okay. It will only sting a little" he said as he took my hand in his again and cleaned the cuts. Afterwards, Clayton bandaged my hand. Before I could pull my hand back he placed his lips on my knuckles and softly kissed the slits. Then he handed me the clothes he brought in earlier. "Here, change into these. They are mine so they are most likely going to be a little big and the bathroom is right there". I nodded and thanked him before going into the bathroom.

I looked at the clothes he gave me and saw a pair of boxers and black sweatpants. He also gave me his red sweater that I've seen him wear multiple times at school. I slipped the clothes on and neatly folded my clothes and put them on the counter. Subconsciously, I smelled the sweatshirt and smiled when it smelled just like his cologne. I might be a badass but I really like the smell of cologne.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Clayton sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked up at me and smiled "I told you they would be big". I rolled my eyes playfully at him and lay in the bed as a yawn escaped my lips.

Clayton pulled the cover over me and left a long kiss on my forehead. I blushed as his plump pink lips lingered on my forehead before he pulled back. "Goodnight Blair" he whispered in a low, husky voice. "Goodnight Clayton" I whispered. He turned around and shut the lights, sparing me a glance before he closed the door.

My eyes were slowly shutting as I let sleep take over.


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