Chapter 13

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Blair's POV

This is a short chapter but a lot of Clayton's life is revealed ;)

Clayton sat down at the edge of the bed I was currently sitting on while facing me.

"Um...It was 7 years ago when it happened. My father killed her. He killed my twin sister. Her name was Clara, and she was absolutely beautiful. She was the only one who knew how to make me smile" he smiled at the memory of his sister.

"One day I came home from hanging out with my friends and found her lifeless body laying on the floor with multiple stab wounds in her stomach and a bullet in her head. I couldn't believe my eyes. My father was the one that did that to her. He was in a gang that did drugs and shit. Clara walked in on him holding a gun to woman's head. Clara said she would call the cops if he didn't put the gun down but instead he shot her and the women. My dads men then stabbed her continuously until she was no longer recognizable with the amount of blood covering her. Little did I know was that the woman he shot also happened to be my mother. They threw her body out somewhere and she hasn't been found yet." His bottom lip was quivering while he was trying to hold back his tears. "My father said that if I told anyone I would die too. Once I turned 16, he forced me to join his gang since I could fight. I escaped a year later and joined Jackson and Parker's gang. I knew them because they were my Father's rivals. Ever since then we just helped people and my father tries to get me back but I will never go back to that bastard."

"If only I could've gotten home earlier I would have been able to stop him from killing Clara and my mother." Clayton said while a few tears slipped put of his eyes.

I used all my effort to pull him in for a hug. He was tense at first but then gently wrapped his arms around my waist, afraid that he would hurt me.

"It was not your fault. You were only a little boy and there is nothing you could have done to stop him" I said.

A few tear drops fell from his eyes and rolled onto my back, tingling my skin.

"I could've stopped him, I could have done something" said Clayton.

I pulled away from him and looked into his watery, red eyes.

"Listen to me. What happened was not your fault, do you understand me?"

He hesitantly nodded and got up while wiping his eyes.

Clayton looked at me for a few seconds and I returned his gaze.

"Come on, I'm taking you somewhere" said Clayton, breaking the silence we were in.

I looked over my body that was in a gazillion bandages and frowned.

"I'm not exactly able to move that much"

Next thing I knew I was in Clayton's arms while her was carrying me bridal style towards his car.

I squealed then put my arms around his neck so I wouldn't fall.

Clayton placed me in the passenger seat of his new Lykan Hypersport. (Clayton's car)( )

I swear this guy gets a new car every week, I thought to myself.

He ran over to the drivers seat and got in then buckled his seat belt.

"Hold on tight Blair bear." Clayton smirked before reversing and speeding at 150 km/hr down the road.

God help me.


Please leave a comment and tell me if you enjoyed the chapter or not because it would be very helpful. I know this is a pretty short chapter but it revealed a lot about Clayton's personal life. Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it :)

The picture at the top is of Clayton and Clara when they were younger.

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