Chapter 7

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It has been 3 weeks and my ribs are now fully healed. I was thinking of going to the bar to fight today since I need more money to pay rent soon because what I have now is definitely not enough.

Lately I've been hanging out with Clayton, Jackson and Parker a lot more and we have gotten pretty close. They are all nice to me except for Clayton who has been giving me the cold shoulder for the past week. Why, you may ask. Well I really don't know.

I have actually made a friend at school and her name is Jessie. She is very nice and she told me all the latest gossip about Union High. She kept going on and on about how Clayton is the school's bad boy and everyone fears him. Jessie also said that he has slept with half the female population at this school. Gross was one word that crossed my mind when she told me.

So, now i'm changing into my fight clothes which consists of a black sports bra with a black V-neck over it and black shorts. I put on my mask so nobody recognizes me and speed of to the bar.

The drunk crowd is chanting my name as i effortlessly flipped my opponent while he cried in pain when his back slammed against the floor. I was about to throw a punch directed at his face when he held his hands up indicating he had given up. I step back from him and the crowd roars. Drunken men are now exchanging money over who they bet on while i collected my money. I have already won 5 fights before this and i'm feeling beyond exhausted right now, so I grab my belongings and drive back to my apartment.

Once I am home, I take a shower to relax my muscles. Afterwards I drift off to sleep.

My eyes shot open. A layer of sweat is covering my face, my hands are trembling and I can barely even catch my breath. It was a nightmare. A nightmare about my parents to be exact.

'They were laying on the floor unconscious with blood dripping from their throats. The smell, I remember it like it was yesterday. It was what my house usually smelt like mixed with blood and burnt flesh. My parent's hands and legs were tied together meaning they couldn't escape. I rushed to their side screaming and crying for my parents to come back, to open their eyes but all I got was the sound of my sobs. There were burn marks all over my parent's faces. I put my mom's head on my lap and brushed my fingers through her hair because she loved whenever I did that. I held onto my dad's hand hoping that if I held on tight enough his eyes would flutter open and tell me everything would be okay. All I got was silence. I sensed something shift through the window from the corner of my eye. I turn my head and sure enough beady black eyes were staring back at me. He wore an evil smile on his face that made me want to punch him continuously for what he has done to my parents. It was Declan. He did this. Just as I was about to get up and punch the shit out of him, he vanished. All of a sudden everything around me started to disappear including my parents. All I could see was black.'

And that was when I woke up.

The day that my parents died was the worst day of my life.

I rolled out of bed with my hands still slightly shaking and got ready for school.

At school I was very quiet due to my nightmare last night. I think Parker noticed since he kept asking my if i was okay. "I'm fine Parker, honestly" I shrugged. We were currently eating lunch in the cafeteria with Jackson, Clayton and Jessie.

"So Blair, since you are fine, why don't you come to the tracks with us to watch Clayton race" said Jackson. That earned him a nasty glare from Clayton and a smack upside the head from Parker.

"Dude, you weren't supposed to tell her" Clayton said harshly. "Sorry" mumbled Jackson with a cheeky grin on his face while rubbing his head where Parker recently smacked him. Clayton rolled his eyes at this and looked away.

"You race?" I asked, amazement clear in my voice.

"Yeah, but you can't come tonight it's too dangerous there and you could get hurt" Clayton replied.

"But I want to go though" I whine

"No" he says with firm voice.






Sensing that I wasn't going to give up soon he sighed.

"Fine, but you have to stay with me the entire night and when I race you stay with Parker and Jackson to make sure you don't get hurt. Understand?" he asked.

I nodded while squealing and clapping my hands.

Tonight is going to be fun.


It is now 8:30 pm and i'm sitting in Clayton's matte black Lamborghini Aventador. To say this guy was loaded would be an understatement.

Jackson, Parker and Jessie are in Jackson's truck. Clayton made me go with him because he didn't want anything to happen.

When we reached the track I took a look around and noticed many guys in their late 20's holding bottles of beer while talking to the girls who wore shirts that barely covered their boobs and shorts where their butts were practically hanging out. Disgusted, I shifted my gaze to Clayton who now had his arm casually slung over my shoulder, "come with me to sign in" he says and I nod and we walk over the the sign-in booth.

He writes his name down for the next race which begins in 5 minutes.

After lecturing Jackson and Parker about not letting me out of their sight, Clayton lifts me onto the back of Jackson's truck. "Good luck" I say to him.

He gives me a slight nod and walks over to his car. he gets in and drives over to the start line where the other cars are lined up.

Let the race begin.


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