Chapter 7 : Harry

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Tears start racing down from his beautiful green eyes. Ian, his old neighbor is a loving person, especially towards Louis. He loves the blue eyed guy just like his own grandson. 

"I was drinking my coffee at night when he ran out from this house and screamed your name at the top of his lungs. I wanted to reach him but he ran so fast and he kept screaming your name. He was looking for you, Harry. When he was out of my sight, I kept waiting for him to come back but until this day he never comes home." Ian explains sadly.

"I'm so sorry." Harry breaks down in that moment and he can't hold back the anguish tears anymore.

"You shouldn't have said sorry to me Harry." Ian hugs Harry for a moment and leaves him alone.

After he tries to calm down himself, Harry goes inside to the house and he keeps crying silently. He realizes that this place looks exactly the same like when Harry left. The bed is still unmade, there is a cup of coffee, and Louis' clothes are still inside their wardrobe except Harry's clothes. He holds Louis' t-shirt tightly and cries. This does not smell like him anymore, and it breaks Harry even more. It's been 3 years and he wonders where he is now.

Harry sits on their bed and stares at the picture of him and Louis in the frame. But then Harry realizes there is a single note with yellow paper with Louis' handwriting, beside the frame.

Good morning my love! And.... Happy birthday beautiful! You are 18 years old now! I want you to go to our kitchen and you will find another note on the fridge. I love you H, - Louis X

Harry's heart keeps sinking because he never saw this note or he never cared about this before. He's 21 now and he left home when he was almost 19. But Louis did something for his 18th birthday even though that time Harry never cared about him. Still, Louis was trying to make him happy.

Harry takes the note and goes to their kitchen. Finding another pink note on the fridge,

Here is the first gift! Hope you like this bucket of flowers. You remind me of these flowers, so beautiful. Now please go to our living room and there will be another note waiting for you. I love you Harry! So much! -Louis X

There is no bucket of flowers. Only an empty vase that used to have its flowers. Louis threw them all when they died.

Harry feels like he wants to die but he will do this. He walks to the living room, and finds another blue note on their coffee table.

Louis and Harry forever! Hope you love this ring that I got it for you. I have the same thing! Hope one day we can have the real engagement ring. Go to the basement and you will find another note on the door. Love you more than anything Harry. -Louis XX

Harry opens the little box and there is a ring with engraved H+L on it. He can't stop crying because this is too much. Louis gave him the world while Harry never gave him anything. Louis wanted to spend the rest of his life with Harry. He slowly puts the ring on his finger, and kisses it. He promises to never take it out. He imagines a lot of things especially with the name of Louis Styles that sounds so perfect for him.

He walks to the basement, and stops when he sees the note on the door.

Here is the final note and final present. Hope you will forever remember this. You are my world, my everything and thank you for loving me. I'm so lucky to have you. You are so wonderful and amazing. I love you so much Harry. Love you now, loved you yesterday and I will love you forever. Happy 18th Birthday Harry Edward Styles. Open this door.

Harry opens the door and their little basement is filled with photos hanging on the walls and hanging from the ceiling, all over the basement. With the photos of Harry and Louis. But mostly photographs of Harry that Louis took long time ago sneakily. The green eyed singer almost faints, because this is the best present ever. Behind all those photographs, there are hidden notes about Harry, written by Louis.

Harry walks to the middle of the basement. Even though this place is filled with dust too, Harry thinks this is the most beautiful place he has ever seen, and the love of his life made all of this for him, almost 3,5 years ago.

Harry regrets everything he has done to his Louis. He spends hours on this room. He smiles and cries on every photos. His soul is somehow breaking but also at the same time he gains more faith and strength to keep on living, to keep on searching the love of his life. Because he knows that Louis will always love him. And because of him, Harry promises to be a better person. Louis teaches him everything even though he is not there with him.

He also promises, if he gets to meet Louis again, he will marry him and spend the rest of his life for Louis only.

Because in the end, love is stronger than any fears and heartbreaks.


Author's Note
Okay I'm crying when I'm writing this. Hope you like it please vote, comment and let me know what you think. I'll edit this later XX Thank you for reading this and have a nice day you beautiful soul.

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