Chapter 8 : Louis

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He wakes up on the hospital bed that feels so familiar for him. He sees Eleanor and Simon are sitting on the plastic chair, working on their phones.

For a moment Louis feels like he is actually being a burden.

"Hello." Louis greets weakly.

"Lou!" Eleanor runs to Louis and hugs her best friend.

"Hi El. How long have I been here?" Louis asks her.

"3 days Lou." He gasps and tries to get up from the bed and almost plugging out the IV making Eleanor and Simon shiver in fear and worry.

"Lou! What are you doing?" Simon says as Louis keeps fighting to get up from the bed.

"I have work Simon. My boss is going to kill me I swear, I can't miss my work!" Louis is panicking.

"Louis, you are sick. You are still sick and you need a lot of rest. I know you have to work but I just called your boss. Don't need to worry about it. Now you need to rest okay?" Simon says calmly as he helps Louis to lay down on the bed.

"What is wrong with me?" The blue eyed guy whispers.

"It's about the damage on your left brain that you got from the accident." Simon explains.

"Oh." Louis does not know what to say.

"Lou-" El wants to cheer him but Louis asks immediately. "I will live right?"

"Of course Louis." Eleanor gives him a hug as soon as Louis starts crying.

Simon asks, "Do you remember anything?"

"I remember the feeling of being lonely."


Louis has to drink his painkiller every single day. He knows this might won't end up well. His head feels like it wants to burst and sometimes he dreams about being alone all the time in a small house with a tree standing beside it. But he does not know a single thing about all of those dreams. He wishes they are not some memories because he does not want it to be true.

When Louis slightly gets better, he starts to act again after a pretty long hiatus on the musical and he is back to work. It is early January now and the snows are still thick, but that does not stop him from to go to work in the middle of the cold weather.

Louis is now heading to the theater after he stopped at a coffee shop to buy some beverages.

Then he sees a woman, with lots of shopping bags 5 meters in front of him, and she is dropping her wallet unconsciously. He runs slightly to pick up the wallet and catches up for the woman. 

"Excuse me, Miss? You dropped your wallet." Louis says politely as soon as he gets closer to the woman.

The turns to him and says thank you. "You are very welcome. Miss, please be careful with your wallet." Louis says to her and then he smiles prettily.

"Hey.. Aren't you the one from Sandy's theater?" The woman recognizes Louis as she learns his features carefully.

Louis smiles wider. "Yes."

Then the woman starts to beam and get excited. "Oh my God! I love your acts! You are so talented and you are a really good singer too!"

Louis blushes and replies, "Thank you so much and thank you for visiting Sandy's. But I'm sorry Mam, I have to go. I have rehearsal for the next show this Friday. If you'd like to come, we will be playing "Peter Pan". Hope you have a good day."

And then he excuses himself from the woman with a smile on his face. It's great to meet people on the street. He feels a little bit better to start the day.


A week later, Louis is completely happy with the result of their rehearsals and he can't wait for the play tonight.

He is now relaxing with his theater mates in a big circle on the floor, backstage, to help them with the anxiousness and thank God they are already dress up nicely for Peter Pan. Louis looks super cute in green.

Perrie, one of his friends, suddenly wakes him up from his daydream. "Louis I just realize that somehow you look exactly the same with the guy from Harry's concert that everyone has been talking about."

Louis almost chokes his own spit. He never knows that it is actually a big deal for everyone. The guy from Harry's concert. "What? Why are you thinking like that?"

"Quite small, blue eyes, feathery brown hair-"

"I'm not the only one in this world that have blue eyes, feathery brown hair-"

"But you are small." Everyone laughs making Louis chuckle and glares jokingly. He does not want to hear anything about Harry. But he is glad they have such a good talk before the show.

Before he walks to the stage, Louis drinks his painkiller and hopes he won't fall down.


Louis plays so wonderfully and he is really happy with himself. He sings very well and he dances with confident. He feels great to give something to the audience as soon as they get lots of applause at the closing and when he  bows down gracefully. This is all worth the fight. He feels so proud of his team.

When they all go to the backstage, he hears someone says "Oh my God it's Harry!" Then there is a loud of screams, all calling for Harry.

Louis just keeps walking to the backstage, ignoring all the chaos. As soon as he is inside the changing room, Louis starts to take off his costumes and changes to his working uniform without cleaning his make up and glitter, he needs to be hurry because his shift will start in 10 minutes.

He says goodbye to his friends, especially to Simon and Eleanor, and leaves for work.

He starts working on the tables, serving food and drinks, with a tired but still grateful smile.

Until there is someone coming into the restaurant in a black hoodie, holding a bucket of roses and calling for Louis.

Author's Note
Thank you for reading! I want it to be in Louis' POV first and then Harry. Because you already got a lot of Harry' POV. So here is coming from Louis. Please comment, vote, and let me know what you think. I'll edit this later. XX

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