Chapter 16 : Harry + Louis

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"I swear I am not like who I used to be." Harry states seriously, try to convince Adam, Louis' long lost best friend and the nurse, Perrie. 

The new friends' eyes are soften but Harry knows, from this moment Adam won't let Louis go. Adam is actually a good friend also, he does not have any love intention to Louis, he just misses his best friend so much. It calms Harry a bit. 

"Is he going to die?" Harry asks suddenly into the silence. "I don't know." Adam replies with such a weak voice. 

They are currently at a coffeeshop before they go to Harry's. They are all agree that Adam deserves to meet Louis. The green eyed guy smiles softly because he knows Louis will be excited to meet his old best friend. 

"I want to keep him save." Perrie says softly. "We all want the same thing, but-"

"I wish I did not agree with the record sign three years ago, so this would never happen. He could live longer." Harry cries once again, even though his eyes are burning with too much crying and lacking of sleep. 

Adam also cries. "I hate you Harry. You know that, but I am more than just sure that you've changed. You gave up your career right now just to take care of him. This situation changed you to become a better person. I am not trying to take Louis from you. Because I know he is in the good hands." 

"Thank you Adam."

"For what?"

"For taking care of him when I was not there." 


"Baby?" Harry asks his angel. Louis is currently listening to songs through his headphones, while he sits near the window. 

The singer has a warm smile on his face, the blue eyed guy looks so cuddly, oh so beautiful and soft and Harry just wants to keep him forever. 

Louis finally comes back to life, and he smiles tiredly to his beloved boyfriend. "Hi." He takes off his headphones and puts it beside him. "You came home." 

"How are you baby? How was your sleep?" Harry asks gently and petting his hair lovingly. Louis looks so cute and Harry can't help it to kiss all over his face, making his boy giggles cutely.  

"I am good actually. My sleep was okay. Where have you been? I miss you." Louis whines and hides his face on Harry's neck. He is in love with Harry's smells. It reminds him of home. 

Harry's heart sinks for a little, "I am glad to hear that baby. I am sorry I took such a long time. Something happened but don't worry darling. I am here now. I am not going to leave you." 

"What happened?" Louis frowns for a second. 

"I will tell you later, but I have a surprise for you!" Harry smiles. 

Louis smiles slightly. "Please no more surprise, you got me enough already Harry." 

"Close your eyes please!" Harry is excited for sure! He hopes Adam and Perrie can give him a reason to stay. 

"Alright H." Louis laughs and closes his eyes. 

Harry gives a gesture to Adam and Perrie that are waiting outside his room. "Come in." The green eyed guy mouths. 

Adam and Perrie have tears in their eyes and they sit patiently in front of Louis. 

"Okay, now open your eyes please!" Harry cheers and Louis opens his eyes. 

"Oh my God!" Louis cries and hugs his old best friends into a group hug. He hugs them so tight that he does not want to let go. 

"We miss you so much Louis!" They are all sobbing together. But Harry knows, it's all happy tears. 

"Adam, Perrie- Oh my God. I can't believe this!" Louis still trying so hard to process this meeting. 

Harry watches them from the corner of his room, and he just smiles there. He wants to give quality time for them. Harry knows this is so important for Louis. 

"How are you sunshine?" Perrie hugs Louis again. 

"I am fine! How are you guys? It's been years. Oh I miss you!" Louis cries again. He feels so overwhelming. He is over the moon. 

"We miss you even more Lou! We tried so hard to find you but-" Adam says but Perrie stops him. 

"What happened before, stay in the past. I am glad that you look so much better than the last time we met!" Perrie jokes. Louis laughs along with her, "Of course! No more bandages on my face!" 

And that words, making Harry feels so small. The smile on his face fades. His heart hurts. "With or without bandages you are still beautiful." Adam says to Louis, making the blue eyed guy blushes. 

"Thank you." 

"Anyway, do you finally have lifetime supply for your favourite tea?" 

Also, Harry does not even know that Louis is obsessed with tea. "No, not really!-"

"Wait what? Harry did not buy it for you?" Adam gasps. "It's quite shocking, because tea is the only thing he talked when we were hanging out in his room." Perrie giggles. 

"No it wasn't the only thing though! We talked about lots of things-" 

"Oh yes, and how you told us you wanted to stargazing during winter? Remember that? It still sounds so stupid!"

They are all laughing together, except Harry. He comes to this realisation that he does not know Louis at all. He feels insecure. He feels not good enough, comparing to Adam and Perrie, they know Louis better than him. 

"Hey watching the stars during winter sound so good though!-" Louis giggles. 

"We will take you there one day, okay?" Perrie says. 

Louis nods happily and Harry feels like spinning. Adam and Perrie keep talking about their old days, their dreams together, and more about Louis. 

"You always wanted to become a photographer-"

"Oh, it was long time ago. I am happy now." Louis smiles. 

"Of course, Harry takes a good care of you right?" Adam glances to Harry with a warm smile on his face. 

"Yes of course! Thank you so much Harry! Thank you for bringing them home to me." Louis hugs his dearest boyfriend, who feels left out at the moment. But Harry knows if Louis' happy then he is too. 

"You are very welcome love." 

"I love you Harry." The blue eyes longing into Harry's green ones. 

And suddenly, Harry isn't afraid anymore. He believes that Louis is in love with him too. And that's the most important thing.

"I love you most." 


"He is wonderful." Whispers Adam, while he sits beside Harry on the sofa. Louis and Perrie currently making dinner for all of them. 

Harry does not say anything back. He just stays quite. "Harry, I am not trying to make you feel jealous. It's just, he is like my younger brother. I love him Harry." 

"I know you do." 

"Don't hurt him again. He's done enough already. Don't let him go. You deserve to be with him. And I am sure he is in love with you too."  With that Adam goes out to smoke. 

Author's Note


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