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i walk in with calum into mcdonalds and my mouth drops open.

"calum... don't look now.. but it's pizza delivery boy." i whisper. pulling his arm down so that he can hear my whispers. his eyes slowly wander the place, making it look like he's just simply scanning the place.

"is that him?" he whispers back, pointing discretely at pizza boy, who's casually sipping a hot chocolate while he's on his phone in the back corner of maccas.

"yes!" i whisper back. calum slowly nods and then the pizza delivery boy looks up. woah, he looks way better in daylight.

"don't get wet." calum whispers in my ear. i blush and slap his chest. i take a seat on the comfy seats and calum sits in the wooden chair on the other side of the table. i see in my peripheral vision that the pizza delivery boy is still looking at me and calum and i just blush.

"what the fuck is happening to you? you've been blushing ever since we stepped into mcdonalds man?" calum says, leaning forward interested.

"i don't know to be honest," i sigh.

"i think it's got to do with pizza delivery boy over there," he smirks. before i get to respond, the main door opens and in walks mashton.

"hey guys... kitten" michael says, singling me out at the end. i just roll my eyes and give michael a little wave back. he takes a seat next to calum and ashton comes and sits next to me.

he rests his hand on my thigh as a sign of hello and i just lean into him as my returned gesture.

"mardi over here has a crush." calum says. i sigh and facepalm.

"really calum??" i groan into my hand. i hear them laughing, causing me to lift my head and glare at all of them.

"who is it bub?" ashton asks. my eyes immediately go over to pizza delivery boy in the corner, who i absentmindedly scrolling through his phone still.

ashton catches the little action of my eyes and then follows my gaze, the other boys doing the same thing. oh my gosh this is so obvious that we're all looking at him now.

"make it anymore obvious guys?" i chuckle. the apologise as they realise how sketchy it looks when we're all just kinda starting at him... me especially.

"so you like mr. pizza delivery boy aye?" michael winks. i roll my eyes and blush for the 3204923589 time since i entered this place.... yes i know that number isn't very accurate.

"pfft. i love you guys. mainly ashton.... but that's besides the point." i play it off, hoping that they change the subject.

it works. they're now just bickering over who i love more.

"she deffs loves me more... prick." calum says to michael, pretending to flick his non-existent hair over his shoulder.

"nah, she calls me daddy so its confirmed." michael says proudly.

"actually. i call all of you guys daddy... as weird as that is. i should probs stop calling y'all daddy" i say. they all laugh and my eyes just go to pizza boy in the back corner.

my heart pounds as i see him staring, with a little smile on his face. i give him a small smile back and he goes back to his phone.

"oh my god guys did you just see that?!" calum says, a little too loudly making neighbouring customers look at him weirdly.

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