Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

 Julian was driving around the town when he found Aubrey sat by the edge of the road. It had been raining during the afternoon, and Aubrey looked like she hadn't budged since it started. She looked drained and soaked. He pulled up beside the road, a few feet from her and climbed out.

  Lamia had asked him to keep an eye out when she had come back to the academy, she had looked a little muddy now Julian thought of it, and he had even pulled a twig out of her hair. He’d smelt his brother all over her but he wasn’t exactly going to bring that awkwardness up in a conversation.

“I need you to keep an eye out for Aubrey...”

“I thought you were looking for her?” He grabbed Lamia’s arm before she could walk any further away from him.

“I was,” She insisted. He followed her gaze that was directed at Gwin. Gwin smiled at him and he returned it quickly before looking back at Lamia. “I got side tracked, just do it okay? I need to ask Gwin something…”

That was all she said to him. He wasn’t planning on going home until he had found her; it had taken him an hour before he had. As he walked towards her, he saw the endless shivers that came from her thin and fragile form. He stripped off his jacket and threw it around her shoulders.

“Bree?” He stroked a strand from her face and lifted her chin with his finger. “Baby, are you okay?”

“Dirty… I’m filthy…I can’t be filthy because if I am then he won’t love me…he won’t…I know because I know these things…dirty…dirty!” She began to hysterically scrub at her arms, her legs, even her face. Julian grabbed her arms and watched as red lines of blood began to show on her body. He spat onto his palm and rubbed them, they healed quickly, and she looked down at them and then into his eyes. “You idiot!” She screamed. She began batting her hands wildly at his chest, his face, anything that wasn’t sheltered. “Now I am dirty, now I am hiding it because you are covering it.” Her hits weren’t as strong as they were a few seconds ago, the more tears that escaped the less control she had.  “How can he see me if I’m covered with men…” Her punches became weaker and he grabbed her arms in his holding her tightly to his chest. He couldn’t help the tear that fell from his eye as a heartbreaking sob escaped Aubrey’s delicate lips. He rocked her forwards and backwards as they both shared tears out on the side of the road.

Their house was huge, and she wasn’t even exaggerating as Lamia pulled up on the curved drive. She was actually quite shocked when Lamia insisted she came around for dinner, but of course she agreed. In truth she wanted to see if Aubrey was home, she had a strange feeling that somehow Aubrey knew about Mike.

 Gwin stepped out of the car and her mouth dropped, literally. Armanthia laughed as she leant beside her, crossing her arms over her chest. “Our dad has had this house for as long as he can remember, been in the family for as long as one hundred years or more.” Gwin looked at her and her mouth still hung wide open. She felt stupid but she was in complete and utter shock. All she had was a three bedroom flat with her blind foster mum; she noted to never bring them to her living quarters.  

  Armanthia leaned into the car and lifted Quinn by the arm. “Get off!” Quinn screamed but Armanthia didn’t listen as she threw her over her shoulder and stormed into the house. Gwin’s mouth tightly shut as she stared after them. “She’s just really tired, thank you by the way.”

“For what?” Gwin asked as they both walked towards the house. It was beautifully decorated on the outside with blossoms, lavender, and rosemary; anything you could imagine was on the front, even a fountain laid in the middle of the curved drive.

“Taking care of Quinn,” She smiled at her and placed an arm around her shoulder. “I gave you a pretty tough time and I’m sorry, you’re like a sister to her and that makes you a sister of mine.” They stopped and Gwin felt something, she wasn’t sure what. In a way, it felt like happiness but she hadn’t felt that in so long she had no real way of confirming it.

  Gwin opened her mouth to speak but a car pulled up. They both turned to look and Gwin gasped as Aubrey stepped out the car. Well she thought it was Aubrey; her hair was clinging to her face in a tangled mess, her makeup was smudged and a damp smell drift all over her body. She didn’t stop to talk; she just walked straight past them and into the house. Lamia looked over and saw Julian step out, she quickly glanced at Gwin and she nodded for her to follow Aubrey. Aubrey needed someone right now, and Lamia was probably the one she wanted. Lamia walked after her sister and Gwin had no other option but to walk towards Julian.

  He was watching the front door to where Aubrey had gone. He looked sad as he leaned one arm on the door frame of his car. As Gwin stood closer he looked down and smiled. “Hey,” He smiled wider and closed the car door to lean against the frame. “I didn’t know you were here.”  

“Lamia invited me for dinner,” She nodded towards Aubrey. “She okay?”

“Yeah just boyfriend troubles,” He laughed and ran a hand threw his hair. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  Gwin shook her head and turned to leave but he laughed jokily and grabbed her arm. He pulled her into him and she didn’t even mind. That was weird for Gwin, normally this close to another human being, even a male, would freak her out, but this felt right. She leaned her hands on his chest and laughed. “You wouldn’t understand either then,” He cocked an eyebrow. “Well, just that it’s obvious you don’t get many girls.”

 “Ouch.” He smiled and leaned in towards her face; she looked up and raised her lips, waiting for his to touch.

“Gwin!” Armanthia yelled. “When you’ve quite finished smooching lover boy, dinner is ready!”

  Julian leaned back and raised his eyebrows; Gwin laughed and waved Armanthia off. “Sorry,” She laughed “Too be continued.”

“I hope so…” He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before pushing her away gently and stepping into his car. 

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