1. Never in time

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A/N hey there, before anyone starts reading I would like you to know this story has a lot of grammar mistakes that I plan to correct. I started to write this story somewhere around 2015 and I started to improve my writing and my English since then.

with that said, I hope you enjoy!

Monday, first day of the week, Beca's favorite by far.

Hearing the hellish sound of an alarm clock going off in the bedroom next to her, the small brunette hugged her pillow tight embracing herself for what was about to come,

"BECA, YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE AGAIN." Caren, her mom, yelled from behind her door.

Groaning, she threw her pillow away. "I've been in the same school for 3 years they're not gonna be surprised if I'm late." Beca said to herself not having enough energy to scream at her mother, or move.

Beca Mitchell has been living alone with her mother for half of her life now, maybe more. Caren occupied herself on taking care of Beca, her only daughter. Today was Beca's first last day of high school, and yeah, she was already late.

High standards.

The tiny brunette swung her legs over her bed trying to push away the sleep in a vain attempt. "REBECCA." Her mom yelled again.

"Mom can you cHILL?!" Now was Beca's turn to yell.

She quickly changed into a black tank top and her blue flannel with black skinny jeans and ran downstairs as fast as she could. "See? I'm here." She walked past her mother to the kitchen so she could grab something to eat. Her mother looked at her in awe.

"Light eyeliner we have there." She said earning an eye roll from her daughter.

Beca took her things and got into her best friend's car.

"What's up Stace." She said sitting on the passenger seat.

Stacie, her best friend had her make up perfectly done. If she had to be honest, Beca kind of respected her best friend for being able to pull that so early.

"You have to appreciate this. I woke up 30 minutes earlier to pick you up." The taller brunette said fixing her nails.

Rolling her eyes she replied. "And you still love me." she said with her signature smirk.

"Whatever you say, let's go."

They spent the ride talking about their schedules and their summers, which wasn't much since they've seen each other almost every day. Stacie pulled her car in one of the parking lots and, together, they made their way to their last first day of school.

"Spanish at first, what about you?" Stacie asked passing through the crowd of students.

Squinting her eyes to have a better read of her paper, Beca looked for her first class. "Hum... Fuck." The tiny brunette swore.

"Chemistry?" Stacie asked with a smile.

"Chemistry." Beca confirmed. Stacie couldn't hold her laugh knowing how much her best friend hated that subject. Beca slapped her arm playfully, "Asshole." she said.

The bell rang twice, meaning school had officially started. This meant, Beca had two painful hours of Chemistry with Mr. Thompson and, as usual, appeared late to class just in time to cut the professor.

"What a surprise, Mitchell is late." He said frustrated. "Again." He said through gritted teeth. Beca felt the whole classroom looking at her. The man nodded in sign that she should sit, so she did.

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