38. So it wasnt real

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"wake up."

Beca heard Ally's voice and a body shaking hers.

"You are home." Ally explined.

Beca sat still for a second. It was a dream? Chloe and I never fucked?

Beca breathed relieved. "Thanks Al." Beca said smiling at her friend and heading out of the car.

She tried to walk towards her door as normal as she could. "Shit im soaked."

She napped for 5 or 6 minutes. She couldnt believe she had such a real dream in less than 10 minutes.

She walked deep in thought towards the door, she somehow had a feeling that Chloe wasnt okay, that her recent dream was... a signal?

She dialed the red head's number.


Great. Chloe picked up. Beca didnt think this, what is she supposed to say?

Beca replied with a heavy sigh. "Uh yes. Hey."

The other end of the line was silent. So was beca.

"So..." Chloe said reminding Beca she was the one who started the call.

"everything is okay?" Beca simply asked.

Chloe was pretty confussed. "Uh yes?"

Chloe was indeed hurt and sad because of her fight with Aubrey but that was none of Beca's bussines.

But beca heard the lack of confidencial in her friend's voice. "Are you sure?"

"Beca everything is fine." Chloe said pretty irritated.

"Hey no need to get mad." Beca scoffed.

A laugh erupted from chloe's mouth. "Beca you dont have to act as if you care about me, so please just mind your stuff."

Beca was taken aback. "Act as if I dont care about you?"

"We hardly ever talk, you are distant, you are even hiding things from me Beca." Chloe explained.

"I have to apologize for having new friends? Im sorry you are not my only friend." Beca said getting defensive.

"I never said that." Chloe said.

"No but saying that I dont show how much I care as I used to do I pretty much the same."

Chloe stayed even more confussed, she really didnt need this fight right now. Or ever."uh... okay. I didnt mean it like that then."

"Then explain yourself." Beca said.

Chloe rubbed her temples and filled herself with patience. "What I meant is that you got distant. I miss you. Okay? I miss messing around with you, and when you helped me with math. I miss the sleepovers and watching those god damn boring soccer matches with you and I dont know what else to do so you can finally be like you used to be with me."

That was a kick in the throat to Beca.

"And now you have a new group of friends and took distance from the Bellas. Now you even keeo secrets from me." Chloe continued.

"Why are you mad at me for keeping a secret when you kept one from me? The tom thing. You kept that a secret while you I dont even know what we were doing, while you played with me? While you almost outed me?"

Beca was almost screaming at this point, she said a lot of stuff Chloe never realized she did.

"But I explained everything to you, I never intended to "play" with you." She spat. "And you were the one who said that everything was fine-"

"Because you looked like you werent going to apologize anytime soon Chl-"

"IM SORRY, OKAY? I REALLY AM." Chloe finally yelled. "Im sorry." She said in almost a whisper.

Beca stayed silent.

"And no im not okay because when I said that I miss you I REALLY do but you act indifferent." Chloe continued. "I dont know why you do it, you yourself said that we never had anything so I figured that I had nothing to apologize for."

"I get it. Its okay, im sorry." Beca had no idea why she started all of this and had no idea why she was apologizing now but she ended the call and let herself fall on her bed.

"What the fuck am I doing."

A/N I posted this like a month ago an I just realized wattpad erased half of the story

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