2. Give in

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Beca groaned at the sound of her mom's voice. She dragged herself out of bed to see what was going on.

"What the fuck mom. It's not even 6:30am why are you waking me up?" Beca said looking at older woman from the stairs.

Caren looked at her with wide eyes. "Tell me this is a joke." her mother held the box she gave her last night.

"Oh" Beca said realizing what her mother was talking about. "Turns out I found my lost turtle. Remember Lola?" Beca said in an innocent voice.

Caren didn't know if she should laugh or be worried. She decided to smile at her daughter and cracked a joke to soften the moment. "Well, to be honest, Lola looks more alive than you."

Beca narrowed her eyes at her birth giver before making her way back to her room to get ready.

Later at school

"Hey Becs, what's up?" Jesse said walking towards her friend.

"Everything when you're shorter than 5ft2'." Stacie said. "Sorry." She apologized after seeing Beca's death stare.

The short brunette was about to say something when she felt somebody's shoulder hitting hers. Who could be besides
Aubrey fucking Posen, Beca said to herself.

"And you're even considering auditioning." Beca said rubbing her shoulder.

"It can't be that bad." The taller brunette replied with a shrug. "I don't even remember why you hate each other."

Beca suddenly glared at her.

"Dude are you serious?" Jesse asked. "Aubrey, literally, showered Beca with vomit. She called her a lot of names. Like hobbit..."

"Alternative girl." Beca added

"Midget." Jesse said counting with his fingers. "Dyke"

That made Beca stop. "wHAT?!"

In the long list of Beca's insecurities, her sexuality was on top. She actually wasn't sure about her sexuality, she's never thought about it. She knew she's had platonic crushes like every teenager, but she never actually fell for somebody.

"Becs we know you're not that. You were 100% head over hills for Ma..." Jesse glared at Stacie with one of those shut-up-or-I-will-make-you looks knowing that "Matt" was a topic Beca didn't want to touch, they knew it because they were there, but if it wasn't for that they would never have known.

"We've only saw you liking boys... And what's wrong with being a dyke?" Jesse asked.

"Here goes his speech." Stacie sighed as she closed her locker.

"Thanks for the presentation Stace. We're in 2015 for pete's sake, love is love and everybody should understand that. Besides we will still love you if you sometime decide to be one." Jesse stated.

"Thanks pastor of love." Beca said with a genuine smile. "But as far as i know I'm not into anyone and if there's anything that I identify as, is tired."

The bell rang, second period has started.

"Let's head to math." Jesse said to Beca. "See you at lunch Stace."

They headed to their first class of math of the year.

Beca wasn't really paying attention to Jesse, who was talking about some movie he recently watched. They were sitting in one of the furthest desk, suddenly Beca's eyes landed in a certain someone, who was sitting two desks away from her.

"So the alien hugged the elephant and they both ate you. Did you like the movie?" Jesse said trying to catch Beca's attention in a vain attempt.

He looked where Beca had her stare fixed and saw a red headed girl sitting next to an asian guy. He looked back and forth between his friend and the red head. "Earth to Beca?" he said snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Huh?" she asked. "Oh the movie sounds great."

"Mhm." He replied. "Do you know her?"

"Chloe? I met her at the bus yesterday, she seems... normal, I guess." She shrugged as she looked away.

Just in time, the teacher walked in.

"Morning class, I'm Mr. Barreto..." the professor started to introduce himself, everybody was silent but nobody was really listening to the old man, so the professor wasn't surprised when everyone freaked out after hearing the words surprise exam coming out of the old man's mouth.

"Why are you doing this the first day?" A boy in the back asked.

"I want to know your knowledge. Everybody when they get to senior year has to be paired with somebody judging their knowledge. Somebody who has a high level will be paired with somebody who thinks the subject is hard." it actually made sense.

The professor handed the sheets and the exam started. Beca wasn't nervous. She was like a human calculator but she didn't show it.

She was surprisingly one of the first one to hand in.

Once everyone handed the short exam in Mr. Barreto started to check them. The man was old but fast to check the mistakes. "These are the pairs for this year." The man started to name a few pairs.

"Allen with Swanson." Beca could hear her best friend swearing in silence. "Mitchell with Boyle."

Beca shot her head up when she heard her name being called; she didn't know somebody named Boyle. Then somebody raised a hand.

"Beale, it's Beale." then it clicked.

"My apologizes." the man said with a sweet smile. Everybody started to move to get their exams and pair with their partner.

"So you're the unlucky girl who's paired with me." Beca smirked at her partner who raised her head from the table.

"Actually" she stopped to yawn. "I think you're the unlucky since I'm the one who got a 37% and you the one who got..." she said taking Beca's test."An 89%." Chloe said with a half hearted smile.

"What're we supposed to do now?" Beca tried to change the subject since she wasn't very good cheering people up.

"I don't know. Meet each other?" The ginger shrugged.

"We have 20 minutes left, why not?" Beca said putting her test in her backpack.

"I remember you yesterday said about some aca-lame stuff..." Chloe started.

"The Bellas." Beca stated.

"Right" Chloe said. "Audition."

It wasn't even a question. "Excuse me?" Beca said surprised.

"I mean it will be fun."

"Their "leader" hates me." Beca said making ear quotes.

"Yeah... She'skindamybestfriend." The red head said as fast as she could, avoiding Beca's blue eyes. The brunette was a little taken aback because Chloe didn't seem like the kind of girl who would hang out with someone like Posen. "You have potential!"

"Dude, do you realize you've never heard me sing?" Beca laughed at the stupid idea of join the acapella group.

Chloe scratched the back of her neck.

"You guys are short of people, aren't you?" The brunette asked with a sigh.

Chloe only nodded her head yes with a guilty look. "BUT" she said. "It's also a good opportunity to get to know each other."

That made Beca re-think everything. "My answer's still a no." she said standing up. "I'll look for you at lunch if you wanna know each other." and then she left just a second before the bell rang.

Chloe could sense that Beca wasn't going to open very much or even audition, but she determined to change that.

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