27. Lucky Charm

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Early in the morning Beca was strangely awake. It was 10 AM on Christmas break, two days before Christmas.

She got dressed and took Chloe's phone and saved it in the back pocket of her jeans.

The events of yesterday played on repeat in her head. Why did she told the guy that Chloe was her's? How did she manage to speak to Chloe's father?

"You're not my daughter." Caren could've opted to use one of her thousand jokes about how coming out afected her daughter, but she chose not to.

"Couldnt sleep." Beca said sitting on a chair witt her head on her hands. "What're you cooking?"

Caren smiled at herself. "an attempt of bagels, want one?"

Beca nodded. "as long as it doesnt kill me... but i'd rather eat cereal tho."

Caren laughed at her daughter's comment.

Both girls shared a peacefull breakfast, moments like those made Beca's insides to feel happy.

After theh were done eating it was around 9:30 AM and Beca was helping with the dishes.


Caren, who was washing the dishes, threw water at Beca's face. "Im bored." She shrugged laughing.

"once satan, always satan." Beca stuck her tongue out as a 5 year old who just won a fight.

"I have to go in a few hours, will you be okay by yourself?" Yeah, Beca didnt see her mother much. She was a single mother with a teenage daughter, of course she worked lots of hours.

"yeah..." Beca said kinda sad. "I have to go, anyways. Chloe forgot her phone on Lilly's car last night."

A smile creeped on Caren's face. "okay..."

"No." Beca said getting serious.

"What." Caren couldnt erase the smile.

"We are nothing, okay i like a girl but what if she's not chloe?" The younger brunette said crossing her arms.

"I didnt say anything." Caren pointed.

"ugh i hate you." She made her way to the door.

"You dont." She heard her mother yell from the kitchen. Beca smiled, she always smiled with her mother. She had an awesome mom, she had to admit it.

10:04 AM who the hell was knocking the door right now? Chloe thought. She was feeling awful. Her head hurt, everything was spinning, sore throat, stomach aches.

Monica Beale answered the door, finding the tiny brunette behind it.

"Beca, hi."

I see from who Chloe got the Cheerfull mood. Beca thought. "Good morning, i bringed Chloe's phone back, she forgot it last night." She explained.

"sure, Chloe is in her room. She's not feeling well. Please dont get sick, your mother would hate me if you do." Monica laughed making Beca laugh with her.

"She wouldnt."

Monica stared at Beca in adoration. "Some company would help Chloe, we are leaving now. I know, im such a bad mother for leaving my sick daugther alone." Monica said.

"Im sure you have your reasons." Beca inmediately regret saying what she said. "But no, you're not a bad mother i mean, if Chloe is such a great human she probably learned from you. Im rambling? i am shit, im sorry. SORRY i didnt mean to say that word-"

Monica cut Beca before the teenager could keep talking. "I see your point." She smiled. "Chloe's in her room."

Beca smiled thanfully at the woman and headed to the red head's room. Softly knocking twice, she opened the door.

The room would've been pitch black if the tv was off, but it wasnt. The screen gave enough light for Beca to see her friend curled in a ball on her bed watching Grey's Anatomy.

"What are you doing here?" Chloe asked in a raspy voice.

"Hi to you too." Beca said making Chloe smile. "How are yoy feeling?"

"Like crap."

Beca nodded. "I...You forgot your phone."

"Oh, yeah. Thanks." Chloe said

There it was, something none of them wanted. An uncomfortable silence. Beca couldnt stand it.

"Hard life huh? Watching Netflix all day."

Chloe smiled and maked a spot for Beca to sit next to her.

"Sorry i look like shit." Chloe apologized sharing the blanket with Beca.

"Why do you apologize? You shouldnt apologize for being sick and not wearing make up." Beca said trying to reasure her. "I should apologize for, you know, the food made you sick." She said with a sad smile.

"you're right, I blame you Mitchell." Beca looked at Chloe with hurt and guilt in her eyes. "Im kidding." There it was, the smile that Chloe Beale loved so much.

"I hate you." Beca said, taking off her shoes.

"Not as much as i do." Chloe cuddled on Beca's side. Beca putting an arm around Chloe's body.

"You dont." Beca whispered.

"I dont, its sad." Chloe laughed.

They enjoyed each other's presence for a few minutes, another chapter was playing.

"Im sorry." Beca murmured.

Chloe was confussed, sorry for what?

"im sorry i pushed you away, im sorry for acting like a bitch and snapping at you, i dont know what i did to deserve you as a friend." Beca continued.

"Beca Mitchell is getting emotional? or you're just emotional because the USWNT lost last week after 11 years?" Chloe said trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, maybe we lost because my lucky charm wasnt there." Beca said looking at Chloe in the eyes.

"So im your lucky charm?" Chloe asked

"Maybe you are." Beca said. "you're cold."

"also tired, but dont leave."

Beca cuddled Chloe, acting as the big spoon. She played with Chloe's hair until she felt the red head's body relax.

Beca felt happy, she was happy, she wasnt thinking on anything else. Maybe that's what Beca wanted, maybe she'd be happy with Chloe.

A/N Im sorry for the late update but my birthday was the 25th and i've been busy since then, also classes are starting again in 7 days and it'll be harder to update

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