41. L -fucking- A

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Suddenly it stopped shaking. She then realized she was holding her breath.

The plane finally touched ground, meaning Beca reached her destination. LA.

She couldn't stop her leg from bouncing, it's been like that for the whole trip. She was so nervous she could die, but her façade didn't let it show.

The air assistant was saying something she didn't hear, she didn't care. She was in LA. Grabbing her laptop bag from above her and her black backpack, Beca walked out of the plane.

Airports are stressful, you have to wait for your luggage, people rushing to get their flights, obviously bumping you on their way. Your suitcase goes missing, you know, usual stuff.

"Fuck it." Beca said leaving without her missing suitcase.

Two doors moved, revealing a crowd of people, some with fancy cards who had names written on them. Families waiting anxious for they loved one, and such. And then there was Ally.

Ally held a card. "Le hobbit."

Beca smirked at the girl who was holding the card and walked towards her.

"About damn time." Ally wrapped Beca in a hug and took Beca's backpack from her hands so she could carry it.

"Yeah, my suitcase kind of went missing." Beca shrugged as she walked next to Ally.

The girls claimed the suitcase and they were told it would take like an hour or so to find it. Since they had to kill some time they sat down to eat.

"I swear to god I've never paid so much for two sandwiches." Ally complaint as she sat down in front of Beca, who nodded in agreement.

Beca texted her mom to let her know she was alive.

Two and a half hours later, Ally killed the engine of her black rented car.  "Here we are."  She softly said as she shook Beca's arm trying to wake her up.

Beca opened her eyes and saw a nice grey apartment, it wasn't so tall, she figured not so many people lived there.

"C'mon." Ally had Beca's (yea, they finally found it) suitcase in one hand, she extended her other hand to Beca, who took it.

Reaching the third (and final) floor, Ally took out her keys to open the black door.

"Uh I haven't thought about the sleeping thing so you can have my bed, if you want. The couch isn't so bad." Ally said before pushing the door open.

The door was connected to the living room, that is connected with the kitchen separated by a counter. Beca noticed two glass doors at the end of the living room area that probably led to the balcony.

"It's really nice, Al." Beca had her back facing Ally but she knew Beca had a smile that went from ear to ear.

Ally walked up to her and wrapped and arm around Beca, "isn't it?" She sighed out happily. "I'm gonna leave your stuff in your empty room, make yourself at home please. The bed is available whenever you feel like sleeping."

Beca turned to take a look at the couch, "you ain't sleeping on that thing."

"Why not?" Ally replied from the other room.

"If I lay down i hardly fit there, dude you are much taller."

"Welp" Ally excited the room, arms crossed on her chest. "I'm not going to let you sleep there."

Beca rolled her eyes, "man we can share bed." She said dead serious. "I swear I don't smell bad." She said jokingly raising her arms in "surrender".

"If that's fine by you, I'm dead tired. You are free to join me."

Beca smiled at her, "big honor."

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