28. Point of no return.

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A/N IM AWAKE AND ALIVE hehe, im back with your little dosis of bechloe, Sorry for the wait, school started again :)) also THANKS for the birthday wishes:D ENOUGH SAID

Christmas night, around 20 people gathered around the Beale's living room. The Beale family was pretty close, everytime there was a festivity, they organized a family reunion. That's a thing that Chloe loved about her family.

The unity.

They were always there for each other, if you needed something, they helped you.

So there she was, sitting in the kitchen with the women of the family. Her mom and 2 aunts, Marie and Abby, were finishing the dinner, while Chloe and her 3 cousins made the dessert.

"Grandma, can you pass me the sugar?" Kelley, Marie's daughter asked.

"Sure honey." Blaire Beale answered giving the sugar to one of her youngest grandaughters.

Kelley was the middle sister of her 3 cousins from her mom's side, she was Chloe's age and the only one who knew about Chloe's sexuality.

Then there was Mike,Kelley's big brother, he was 19, the favorite guy niece.

And Ally was Mike and Kelley's little sister, she was 9, the little girl of the family.

Then you had Abby's kids, Cole,Julie and Christen. Cole and Christen were twins, both of them were 15 and Julie was 12 and a half.

And then you had Chloe and her little brother Aiden.

The Beales were an average family.

"I cant believe how big my girls are." Blaire, the grandmother, said hugging the 3 teenagers that were cooking at once.

"Hey." said Julie, who was drawig with Ally.

"Jealous much?" Christen teased her little sister.

Blaire playfully slapped Christen's arm and got closer to the 2 other little girls."Remember this, the little ones always get to lick the spoon." She said handing two spoons full of chocolate to them.

"Not fair." Kelley laughed.

Chloe only shook her head with a smile across her face.

"you are silent, dear." Her grandma said.

"i was just... enjoying the moment." She said unsure, trying to convince herself more than to convince her grandma. "Quality time with the fam." She added with a fake smile, moving her hands jazz style.

"hmm... Problems with certain boy i dont know about?"

Suddenly the 4 grown women had their eyes on chloe.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Abby gasped.

"And never told us?" Marie added.

"and never told ME?" her mom asked.

All those questions were making Chloe pretty uncomfortable, and Kelley noticed it.

Kelley started to choke with the water, coughing hard trying to get the women's attention.

"Kelley oh my god." Marie, her mother, said.

"how do you choke with water?" Christen lughed.

Chloe smiled gratefull at her cousin, who nodded with another smile.

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