- Prologue -

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"When my back against the rope. Who am I to call?.....Nobody.."
- RichHomieQuan


"This call will be recorded and monitored. You have a collect call from Anthony Alsina an inmate at Haynesville Correctional Center. Do you accept this call?"


"So I finally get to hear the voice of Ms. Destiny?"

Destiny remained quite feeling like a school girl. "Hey" She sweetly said trying to calm her nerves.

"Thank you lawd" Ant released the air he was holding in.

"What?" She asked confused.

"I swear I was beginning to think you was some nigga trying to punk me. All dem damn letters and not once did I get a picture. Shit you got me fantasizing and changing how you look every damn day." Ant smiled relieved that Destiny was indeed a female and not a nigga he would have to kill for playing him upon getting released.

"I think its best you don't know what I look like. You may regret everything." Destiny sighed. It was nice to hear Ants voice again but she feared how he would react if he really knew who she was.

"You ain't got no extra parts or none thing?" Anthony asked. He didn't understand why she always was short when he asked for a picture through their letters.

"Oh my gosh no August. I just don't feel comfortable with you seeing what I look like." Destiny laughed.

"Man as long as you don't look like a mutt or gargoyle, not a nigga or never was, and can get dirty in person just like you do in them letters you send me then shit I don't care. When a nigga touch down you betta not try and hide." Ant rubbed his hands through his short fro. For all she knew he wouldn't be getting out for a few more years but he really was getting out in another month.

"No I'm not a man, I don't have extra body parts, and I definitely don't look like a gargoyle or mutt asshole." Destiny rolled her eyes as if he could see her.

"One minute remaining" The automated system said making both Ant and Destiny sigh.

"Ite ma. I'll call you the next time I can. Thanks for putting money on my books. Love you." Ant told Destiny the one thing she wanted to finally hear but feared the most.

"Love you too" She told him as the call ended.

"Nigga how you tell some broad you never seen before that you love her" Officer Lowell asked as he took Anthony back to his cell.

"Man she been there for a nigga more than family and the niggas I called my blood" Anthony informed thinking about it all. Lowell was right it was somewhat crazy but to him when you're locked up and on your own all you want is something that kept your spirits up.

Destiny was the person who did that for him and much more. She kept him sane in his time of lowness and made sure he never went without anything needed while being in there. Immediately after Ant was sentenced to a five year bid the letters started to roll in and money was on his account twenty four seven.

"Shit I wish I could understand your logic but I work here not live here" Lowell responded closing the jail cell and releasing his hands from the handcuffs. He was the only cool guard. All inmates respected him because instead of treating everyone like criminals he treated them like humans.

"Hopefully shawty legit or a nigga gone be all types of fucked up when I get out" Ant mumbled opening another letter from his mystery lady.


- - New story yay! I have so much I want to do with this.

- - What do you think?


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