Chapter Thirteen

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**Karen's P.O.V**

I stuff my face with chocolate muffins and moan from the taste. These muffins are the best muffins I ever tasted. Their so soft and..... OMG.

I take another bite and moan even louder. Austin stares at me and I try to smile with my mouth full.

He laughs. "You just don't care about how you look do you?"

"What you mean?" I ask covering my mouth to make sure nothing falls out.

He grabs a napkin and hands it to me. I swallow my muffin. "Thanks. These muffins are the best!"

He smiles. "I can tell." I take a seat in front of his office window.

Everything in this office looks expensive. From the black leather seats to the paintings on the wall. I can live in here if I wanted to. Its so clean and smells like vanilla and brown sugar. I take another whiff.

"Did your parents pay for this?" I ask. "I know this wasn't included in your college tuition."

"This was my Dads old office. He handed it down to me."

I look at him in shock. "Your father gave you something? That's new."

If you knew his father you would find it hard and difficult to believe that. His father was a jackass. He didn't approve of someone like me being with his son and it really didn't affect me until now. He practically controlled Austin to the point where Austin snapped. I can still hear his mother's crying and Austin's voice booming through their living room walls.

That was a failed holiday dinner.

"Yeah..." he sits in front of me and we both look out the window. "You'll be getting one too if-"

I jump up when I hear that. I squeal. "Shut up!"

He looks at me confused.

"No! I didn't mean it like that I was just...." I sit back down. "Your for real!?"

"That is if your interview go well," he says still on edge about me telling him to shut up. "Which I'm sure it will."

"I don't know," I said picking at my skirt. "What if he asks me something that I don't know?"

"You don't know you?" He ask and I stare at him blankly. "The interview is getting to know who you are. Its impossible for you to get anything wrong."

"But...." I look down at the ground. "What if he doesn't like me?"

There. I said it.

I close my eyes and sigh.

"Impossible," he says. "He'll love you."
My eyes start to water and I look up at him.

This is supposed to be Charles. I've been dying to let this out ever since this morning. Its been burning a whole inside my chest in throat.

I don't want to cry in front of him. But the tears slip out and he pulls me into his chest.

Why isn't he Charles?

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