What Makes Him Jealous

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King Barrett - The WWE universe absolutely adored you, and well you were definitely a fan favourite was an understatement. Whenever you went out to the ring you were greeted by the men jeering you on, and Wade didn't really like it, but knew it was all part of the job. He always tried to deny his jealousy, but you could easily tell it was there, it was written all over his face.

Seth Rollins - When one of the superstars congratulates you on one of your performances, they usually give you a hug or something alongside it, making Seth extremely uncomfortable. He didn't like you working around so many men to begin with, but you were his, and he was going to protect you, and always hopped onto the defensive when anyone got too close.

Roman Reigns - His family absolutely adored you, and whenever you were at a family meal, his family would always be talking to you, almost ignoring Roman completely. As much as he loved that you all got on, it was slightly upsetting that his family had forgotten about him and turned their attention to you. His jealously was evident as he sat awkwardly waiting for his turn to talk.

Dean Ambrose - A reoccurring injury had been playing up once again, and it wasn't in the easiest of places. It was your hamstring, but having a male physiotherapist didn't always make you feel comfortable to say the least. Dean didn't like it either, as he'd always get jealous of him touching your leg and feeling around. The physio was slightly flirtatious, so Dean always made sure to attend appointments with you and make sure he was strictly professional at all times.

Ryback - To celebrate your birthday, your mates had arranged for you to go out to one of the nightclubs. Ryback wasn't much for a party, so kept himself to himself, however you were out on the dancefloor as quickly as possible. Your moves were attracting a little follow of male attention. As soon as Ryback noticed, he rushed over and starting dancing with you, marking his territory. "No need to get jealous sweet, it's only a bit of fun." You reassured him.

Sami Zayn - His recent work with Kevin allowed you two to form quite the friendship, nothing was ever going to happen, but Sami's insecurities said otherwise. He would follow you around, careful of any stunts Kevin might try and pull. No matter how many times you poured your heart out to him, there was always going to be some disbelief, and it wasn't that he didn't trust you, he could just never believe he had found someone as beautiful as you.

Finn Balor - You had just completed a joint workout. Finn had gone to the shower, and came back out to find a swarm of me surrounding you. It was all harmless, however Finn, he wasn't quite so sure. As you left, making sure to hold his hand for comfort, one of the bigger men winked at you. You brushed it aside, noticing how downbeat Finn was feeling. "I'm yours babe." You reminded him as you went out to the car.

Sheamus - Sheamus had accidentally accused you of having a relationship with your cousin a couple of years ago, and ever since he's been having feelings of jealousy and uncertainty as to how close the two of you were. When you were around your cousin, Sheamus was like a shadow which followed you around. As much as you wanted to include him, it was nice for you to spend some much needed time with family once in a while.

Neville - You were on a nice date in your local diner, and the male waiter seemed to be oblivious to the fact you were sat at a table with your boyfriend. Neville tried all sorts of gestures to get the point across to the waiter, however he just kept trying. You switched off to it after some time, and as he cleared your table, he placed a napkin on your table, which you quickly dismissed, kissing your boyfriend.

Randy Orton - You had struck up a close friendship with Luke Harper recently, and as much as you loved Randy, Luke was someone who always made you laugh. His jokes ever failed to make you laugh, even more then some of Randy's did. Randy had soon noticed how your reaction to Luke's jokes were better then to his, and it almost hurt his feelings, that he wasn't the one to make you laugh.

Brock Lesnar - You were out at a Fall Out Boy concert, and throughout the night you had been commenting on how amazing the boys looked, making Brock feel slightly awkward around you. He enjoyed the night, but your love of the boys made him feel jealous that you loved them so much, and you never blushed about him in this way. It wasn't the type of love you had for Brock, which you quickly reassured him.

Dolph Ziggler - Dolph had got into an argument with a close friend, who's side you took. Dolph was disappointed in you, and was very open about his feelings. You didn't realise how sad he was until your two friends sorted their differences out, and so did you and Dolph.

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