The Proposal

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King Barrett - Underneath Big Ben is where Wade proposed. It was a romantic trip to his home country of England. He wanted to take you exploring around to all the landmarks, and see all of the things that you weren't able to see around America. You were in awe of the place, and when you turned round to talk to Wade and couldn't see him there, you were immediately confused. You looked around for him to see him on the ground down on one knee. You froze in shock, your answer already planned out before he even had the chance to speak or ask the all important question.

Seth Rollins - It was another date night at your own home, the weather in Iowa was again awful and you couldn't leave the house. Seth offered to cook you pasta for dinner that night so that you could relax. You were sat at the dinner table, enjoying each others company. You took yet another mouthful of food, when you heard a clank on your teeth. You could feel what it was in your mouth, and reached in to pull it out. You admired the beautiful diamond ring you pulled out, as Seth ran round beside you. You couldn't believe what was happening, as Seth placed the sparkling ring on your finger.

Roman Reigns - You had taken Joelle to the zoo on a day trip for your rare day off. She had fallen in love with all the animals, however the only animal you wanted to see was the giraffes. When you got to the enclosure, Roman surprised you with tickets to feed the giraffes. You went up to the see them, helping Joelle to feed them properly and pat their heads. "Ro look." You exclaimed, as you felt a tug on your trouser leg. You turned around gasping, as Roman opened up a velvet box with a gorgeous ting inside of it. The whole world stopped as all you could hear was Joelle giggling with excitement.

Dean Ambrose - Being so out there, Dean didn't want the normal and romantic proposal, and so he surprised you one day when you went hiking in the rocky ranges of Ohio. You were up at the top, admiring the view of the whole area that was before you. You could hear Dean fiddling around behind you, but you weren't too bothered. "Y/N!" You turned around looking down to see the words 'will you marry me?' written out in the rocks. At the highest point was Dean with a Haribo ring in his hand. The setting around you was beautiful that the entire population just felt like you and him.

Ryback - It was Christmas time with Ryback's family this year, and you were all sat around the table enjoying your dinner. His mum pulled out the crackers for you to pull. She searched through pulling a single golden one out and passing it to Ryback. He turned in your direction, offering for you to pull it. You tugged as you jumped at the small bang. You pulled out your prize, and opened it up. There was twinkle in your eye, as Ryback pulled the gift out of your hand, pulling out his chair, and leaning down onto one knee. His family were cheering, as he told you all the things he loved about you.

Sami Zayn - It was your one holiday of the year in New Zealand to celebrate your eight year anniversary with each other. It was the hottest time of the year, and Sami had arranged for the hotel restaurant to be cleared out just for the two of you. When you arrived you were seated on the balcony overlooking the sunset. You both had a lovely dinner, just the two of you. You finished your meal, as something appeared to be bothering Sami. You asked him if he was alright, to which he replied, "I'm just going to come out and ask it?" He walked around the table, getting onto his knee, opening up a red box that he had in his pocket.

Finn Balor - You were having an immensely hard time recently, and everything seemed to be against you. Finn tried to be understanding and there for you, but it just wasn't enough. To cheer you up, Finn wanted to treat you to a cosy night in at home with a movie and sweets. It was the simplest of things that cheered you up, so when you were lying wrapped in Finn's and he pulled out a basic engagement ring you couldn't be happier.

Sheamus - You had both won championships at TLC and things didn't seem as if they just could not get any better. That was until the two of you got backstage where you could be alone, and Sheamus pulled you into his chest, as he gave you the most adorable speech in how proud and in love with you he was. It was just the two of you, as he sat you down on a chair, holding your hand. He leant onto your leg, lowering himself onto one knee, and reaching into his ring gear pocket to show you the dazzling engagement ring he had purchased for you.

Tyson Kidd - You were out walking your dog in the local park, admiring the views around Calgary. It was a quiet Sunday morning and nobody was really around. The two of you were enjoying some time outside, instead of being stuck in a building with lots of wrestlers. You stopped at your usual spot to let your dog have a bit of a run around, as the two of you embraced under the morning sun. 'Y/N, can I ask you something?" Tyson asked you. You turned around nodding, as he bent down onto the ground, asking you his all important question.

Neville - Neville asked you to marry him only moments after you had given birth to your first child, a daughter. Your emotions were running high, and the two of you were given some time alone whilst they took your baby away to clean them up. Neville sat beside you, as you tried to compose yourself again. You were overcome with happiness, as Neville kissed the top of your head, reminding you of how much he admired you for all you had gone through over the last nine months. You both too tired to do the whole proposal routine, so instead he quietly asked you the question too wrapped in the moment and the excitement.

Randy Orton - You were at a live show in your hometown with all your family sat front row to support you. They weren't exactly accepting of Randy to begin with, but slowly started to warm to him. You were teaming up with him tonight, and once the match was over and won, Randy grabbed a microphone from ringside, and pulled you into a hug. You were a bit confused as to what was happening, and just saw your family cheering and clapping next to you. You looked up at Randy confused, as he nodded to you and professed his love for you.

Brock Lesnar - It was Valentine's Day, and you and Brock didn't usually celebrate, as you were too busy looking after your children. You decided to get you all a McDonalds as a treat for the day, and the children slept so easily after having their little treat. Brock treated you to a back massage, as when he worked his way up to your neck, you felt something icy cold hit your neck. You reached over picking up, shocked at the sparkling ring that you twirled around your fingers.

Dolph Ziggler - Once again, you and Dolph were doing a TV interview on Jimmy Kimmel. You loved the show and were an avid viewer of it, always talking about it to Dolph. It got quite repetitive you had to admit, and when Jimmy asked you about your relationship, Dolph immediately butted in to talk himself. You let him speak as he gushed about how close the two of you had become recently, before reaching for your hand, talking as he loomed right into your eyes. His words were sweet, but when he got down on one knee your heart just melted at how adorable he was.

Jey Uso - Jey proposed to you on a road trip to Samoa so you could learn more about his family and his roots. You always dreamed of a traditional Samoan wedding, but didn't know much about it, and a proposal was the last thing you would have thought would have happened when you started your trip. However, when it did you immediately started looking around at all the traditions in the country, picking up tips for your future wedding.

Jimmy Uso - You were having a family gathering, you family and Jimmy's family, altogether for your annual gathering with each other. Everyone was having a great time, and you were loving the atmosphere of everyone mingling with each other. Jimmy took you aside from talking to his aunt quickly, clinking his glass to get everyone's attention. People looked over to you, as Jimmy pulled out a piece of paper, reading out the words that were wrote on it. It didn't take long for you to realise what was happening, and when you did, the tears were streaming down your face. You could see your mum crying to your dad as she realised that her baby girl was finally growing up.

John Cena - You came home from the gym, to hear water running from your bathroom. You thought perhaps the bath was flooding or something, so rushed in to see John lighting candles around the bath. He wasn't meant to be home for another month, so when you saw him, you quickly jumped into his arms, kissing him to make sure he was really there. John popped you back on the ground, before kissing you hand and getting onto his knee, showing you the most gorgeous ring tucked into a purple box. You turned off the tap laughing, before giddily accepting his proposal.
Kane - For you it was just a usual day with Kane, nothing was out of the ordinary, and he was acting as he usually was. You took a walk to the beach with him, the sand tickling your toes. The beach was fairly crowed, however you managed to find a little quiet spot for the two of you to relax. Kane was being oddly affectionate towards you, but you didn't think too much into it, until he picked you up, standing you up, and he kneeled down in front of you. You could hear a few gasps in the crowd around the beach, as Kane reached into his pocket to pull out the golden ring he hoped you would accept.

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