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Seth Rollins - "What are you up to?" Seth asked walking into your miniature studio at the back of your house. "Oh I'm just messing around a bit, I had some blue paint left over so I thought I'd make a little something out of it." He stepped forward studying your little work of art careful not to get to close in case he knocked it. "It looks amazing." You pecked the side of his cheek thanking him, bending down to pick up another paint brush. "Here." You offered him the brush which he hesitantly took. "Why don't we make it a joint piece," you offered, pointing to your pallet. "Your on." He grinned taking the first bit of light blue paint with his brush.

Roman Reigns - "I'm really not sure if it looks alright." You and Roman stood in your games room looking at the mismatched dark blue wallpaper stuck to the walls. "Me too, I don't think it suits anything." You both looked around one last time, before looking at each other smirking. "How about we scrap the wallpaper altogether?" You nodded in response quickly yanking the bottom of the paper off. Roman joined you crumpling up hours worth of work in a matter of seconds. "Maybe it would look better if we got some professionals in to do it," you joked causing Roman to lightly punch the side of your arm in response.

Dean Ambrose - You'd never seen a room so blue. Dean had gone out of his way to buy everything blue he could find in order to decorate your son's nursery. "This is going to take forever," you groaned picking up the first pieces of the cot. "It'll be fine, it will take a couple of hours maximum, I promise." Dean walked over to you, kissing your lips as he started on the drawers. He was right it only took a couple of hours, as you finally picked up the last piece of the cot, a baby blue bed spread to lay across the mattress that he had bought. "There. All done." You smiled admiring your handy work. "See I told you, look how perfect everything is now." Dean came up behind you wrapping his arms around your bump, "perfect for our son."

Sami Zayn - The delivery man had just dropped off your parcel, some brand new ring gear. You had wanted a change for a while but when you saw this you knew you had to have it. "Who was at the door babe?" Sami shouted down from upstairs. "Nothing, you'll see in a minute." You hurried into the bathroom where you could change into the gear to try it on. The gear itself was a light blue two piece that showed off your boobs and bum perfectly. After admiring yourself for a few minutes you stepped out and went to find Sami. "Look," you whispered causing him to look up from the book he was reading. "Wow!" He gasped, standing up and walking over to you. He grabbed your hand twirling you around. "Blue is definitely your colour."

Finn Balor - "Don't you think the sea is such a beautiful thing?" You brushed your toes in between the grains of sand, swinging yours and Finn's hands high in the air. "Yeah you're right it is beautiful." Finn stopped you, turning you so you were both looking out at the miles of blue sea. "But you know what, I can think of one thing that is just a little more beautiful." You turned round so you were facing each other, both your grips on each others waists. "Oh yeah, and what would that be?" You smirked. A slight gust of wind caused your hair to fall just in front of your face, as Finn gently brushed it back behind her ear. "I don't know, just the girl, I've seen her around a few times, she's got beautiful eyes and a gorgeous smile." He leaned down placing a light kiss on your lips, "you of course."

Sheamus - "Oh girls you look amazing," you cried admiring their turquoise dresses that just reached the floor. "I never thought you could all look so beautiful." You stepped forward hugging each one of them, as your best friend passed you your blue bouquet. "Sheamus has no idea how lucky he is," she remarked wiping under your eyes, placing your little slide in the top of your hair. You hugged her one last time when your name was called. You gripped her hand nervously, leading her out of your room and to the side of the barn. You peeked round seeing all your friends and family sat inside, many of them wearing your favourite colour blue. The band started playing as you stepped forward to the start of the aisle, all your girls just behind you. Sheamus looked up at you with the biggest smile you had ever seen, as you met him at the alter, giving all your bridesmaids the biggest smile.

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