A Family Member/Friend Passes Away

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Seth Rollins - You walked out of the hospital room, looking over and seeing Seth jump out of his seat and over to you. You tried to stay strong but as he opened his arms up you completely broke down. "She's gone," you cried out, creating tear stains on his shirt. "It's alright, it's all going to be alright." He ran his arm along your back in a desperate attempt to soothe you, knowing how much your mum meant to you. Right now nothing felt like it could get better, your rock had gone, and now you were lost. "She loved you, she wouldn't want to see you sad," he told you as all the doctors walked into the room, shutting the curtain so you couldn't see her sleeping figure anymore.. You pulled away from him, wiping under your eyes, nodding your head. "It takes time, it's okay." He cupped your cheeks, leaning in and kissing your forehead. "I'm scared, what will I do without her." Seth's heart broke, holding your hands tight. "I'm going to be there every step of the way, you'll get through this, I know you will," he whispered.

Roman Reigns - You all gathered around your grandma's bedside, you and your sister taking a hold of her hand. Roman sat down beside you, holding your other hand, watching the two of you closely. "I love you all," she whispered, the strain clearly unbearable. "Let go gran, we're all going to be alright." Your voice was croaky as you tried not to show her the weakness you were feeling. She smiled over, bringing your hands up to her lips and kissing them softly, doing the exact same with your sister. You felt a single tear roll down your cheek, watching her eyes slowly shut, feeling Roman squeeze your hand tightly. She took a sharp intake of breath, as she slowly released it. You waited for her next breath, but her chest never rose, as you fell into Roman's chest, bawling your eyes out. "Come on love, remember what she said, she loves you, it was her time." He held you tightly, inviting your sister over and cuddling you both. "I know. We know." The three of you hugged tightly, looking over at your gran who was at peace.

Dean Ambrose - You could feel your phone vibrate underneath your pillow once again, you couldnt ignore it any longer. You answered it seeing through your tired eyes it was your mother calling. "Mum, it's half two in the morning, what is it?" She paused, taking a quick inhale of breath. "It's Stephanie darling, she's been in an accident." You jolted upright feeling your whole world crash around you, and you weren't even home to be there for her. You thought the worse immediately, a natural thing to do in that situation. "She's gone hasn't she." Her silence told you everything you needed to know, your childhood best friend had gone, and you were never going to see her again. You violently shook Dean awake, desperate for a hug, as he slowly stirred. "What?" He asked without a clue. "It's Steph, she's dead." He quickly wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head, letting your tears fall. "I'm so sorry darling, I don't know what to say." "Don't say anything, just hold me," you told him, feeling his grip tighten.

Sami Zayn - You had been told that you needed to rush to the hospital as quickly as you could, after being told that your father was in a critical condition. Sami drove you down, hurrying down for your sake, as he then ran through the corridors with you to find him. Your mum was stood outside, with red blotchy eyes, holding the door shut. Her eyes were sad as you stopped in front of her. "We're too late aren't we." She slowly nodded her head, as you held onto the wall trying to steady yourself, feeling a horrific dizzy sensation. Sami held you around the waist, pulling you over into his chest and carrying you into a seat. "I'm so sorry babe, I'm so so sorry." You didn't what there was to say, you'd missed your chance to say goodbye, and now he had gone. "Let it all out, I'm here." You held your hand onto his chest, sobbing as your mum came over and hugged you too. "I'm sorry sweetheart, he just didn't have enough strength this time." You nodded, finding her words comforting, holding onto her arm.

Finn Balor - You waited at home to hear from Finn, just like you always did, wanting to know if he had got to his next location safely. He was due at four o'clock, it was now gone midnight and you still hadn't heard anything. You were about to go to bed, thinking he probably forgot, when Sami rang you up. "Y/N, I need you to stay calm." You instantly dreaded the worst, as he didn't even greet you, thinking of all sorts of scenarios that involved Finn. "I've only just been told myself, but Finn was in a crash earlier, he was rushed to hospital, and, unfortunately he didn't make it. Finn's gone sweetheart, I'm sorry." You hung up the phone, falling into a ball of tears on the floor. You cried and you cried, looking around and seeing all the photos of the two of you, only making the pain worse as you wished you had one chance to say goodbye. You grabbed one, cuddling it tight into your chest, wishing you had one more moment with him. You just couldn't believe it, he wasn't even old yet, but his life had been taken.

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