Song Preference | Show You Off

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Seth Rollins: You're like a sugar-sweet kiss in the morning.

You rolled over in bed to see Seth already awake staring back at you. He smiled once he noticed you were awake, leaning forward and placing a quick peck on your lips. He opened up his arms for you to snuggle into, holding you close. "What a sweet way to wake up in the morning," you sleepily muttered, rubbing your eyes trying to wake yourself up.

Roman Reigns: Sunshine pouring right into my window.

You couldn't help but open your eyes to see the sun blaring through your curtains and onto you and Roman as you lay in bed. Roman was still sound asleep so you decided to have a bit of fun. Poking him and tickling him, teasing him about his snoring until he finally began to stir, quickly putting his hand over his eyes to blot out the sun. "Bright isn't it."

Dean Ambrose: Cool drink of water in the summer.

You couldn't help but fall in love with Dean a little bit more as you watched him building out in the garden. His top was off, and sunglasses on as you could see the sweat pouring off of him. You grabbed a glass, filling it with ice cold water and taking it out to him. "Here you go love," you said giving it to him, Dean drinking it straight down, handing you back the glass smirking.

Sami Zayn: Better than the other, hm, side of the pillow.

You could hear a sleepy Sami moving around in your bed, so you turned around to see what was wrong, only to see him laid within an inch of you, not giving you any room to move. You tried to move him but he was too big, so instead you just wrapped your arm around, snuggling up to him as he laid on your side of the pillow.

Finn Balor: You're everything that I'm not.

Finn held you tightly as you sighed in frustration that you couldn't perfect the move that you had been dying to do. You wanted to do some of his moves, but you just couldn't do it. "It's alright love, maybe it's better this was, you do everything I can't, and vice versa, we'd be the perfect team." You pulled away smiling, knowing he was right, giving him a kiss.

Sheamus: And then a cherry on top.

"We're such a good team together, but you're the cherry on top of the duo." You looked at Sheamus in complete confusion, unsure as to whether any of what he just said made sense. "I'm just saying, we're a good match, but you're just the better half." You shook your head in laughter, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

Neville: Yeah, girl, I gotta see you tonight.

"I just want to come home and see you." You sighed looking at Neville on the screen, both of you suffering with being away from each other. You had never seen him this desperate to come home before. "Babe you can't, you've got to work," you pleaded with him, your heart breaking at the deep sigh he let out.

Randy Orton: Yeah, I'm taking you out.

You sat down on the sofa, stretching out with a book in hand. Well, you were until Randy came over and took the book from you, placing it on the coffee table. You looked up bewildered as he smiled down at you. "Come on, I'm taking you out tonight," he said, leading you upstairs to go and get dressed to head out.

Brock Lesnar: 'Cause damn baby I'm proud.

You ran over to Brock, who picked you up into the air into a giant hug. You dropped your newly won belt on the ground, wrapping your arms around Brock. "Damn baby, I'm so proud of you, you've done it." He placed you gently on the ground, picking your belt up, and handing it to you, smiling down at you.

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