Chapter 64

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Liam's POV

I sat on the stairs alone listening to Harry banging round in his room. I had my head hung low... Why had he done that to Louis?

"Louis is supposed to be your Boo Bear" I whispered

"he's also supposed to keep his hands to himself" Harry sat beside me

"what?" I asked confused

"he's in love with her" Harry wiped his eyes

"who?" I asked

"Louis" he frowned "have you not seen it?"

"no" I scrunched my eyebrows together "are you sure?"

"turns out I was used to cover for those two" Harry sad quietly "I really liked Livvy, it was the first thing I'd ever taken seriously-"

"why'd you kiss Bethany?" I questioned

"Niall dared me in truth or Dare with Louis" Harry gave a sad smile "he obviously wanted Louis and Olivia together also"

"So what about Zayn?" I asked realizing he had Olivia

"dunno" he shut his eyes

tears started to stream down Harry's face and he sat crying without moving or making a sound... That was not like him at all

"so why were you so mad then?" Liam asked

His eyes snapped open and filled with so much hate that it hid the green in his eyes

"your sister slept with Louis while we were dating" he snarled


"is that it?" Harry asked annoyed "wow?"

"I don't really know how to react" I confessed "I mean, I've never had to deal with something like this before"

"I committed" Harry folded his arms and swallowed his tears "I was really falling for Olivia-"

"seriously?" I asked shocked

Harry gave a broken smile and I now realised he was never lying... Everyone else had kept it a secret from me

"I was so sure she was the one" Harry's eyes sparkled as he smiled wiping away his tears "I was ready to change from the player"

"I know you liked her Haz" I said "but Louis obviously likes her more"

"how did he even manage to sleep with her?" Harry asked staring into emptiness "she doesn't even like dirt jokes"

"maybe if you had-"

"no" Harry shook his head "I respect her too much, I didn't want that from her"

I never thought I'd hear the day Harry Styles gave up his mischievous ways, he was in love with my sister... the one thing I never saw coming

"I get why you're mad wit Louis"  said finally


Hi guys I'm back!

I know this was a boring chapter, sorry. It's just a quickie and actually took me over an hour to force past the barriers of my writers block. Sorry I won't update for a little bit but on the bright side only 5 CHAPTERS LEFT TO GO!

Becca xx

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