Chapter Thirteen

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Harry's POV

"hey Liam" I said walking downstairs

"what?" he snapped

"can I pretty please take Livvy to the mall?" I asked putting on my famous grin

"fine but try keep hidden from the paparazzi, we wouldn't want SYCO to get annoyed again" he sighed

"love you LiLi" I yelled running upstairs

"what did he say?" Olivia asked

"he said yes and are you and Lou dating?" I asked

"hahaha" she laughed "oh you were serious... No"

"so why am I covering for you then?" I asked

"cause mr goody two shoes over here" she said pointing at Louis "is Liam's little angel and wants to stay that way"

"Kay well we can go now" I shrugged

"you need to drop us off" Louis laughed

"can't you take a taxi?" I asked

"um I'm Louis Tomlinson if I take anything it would be a boat" he grinned

"make sense" Olivia shrugged

"fine" I sighed

All three of us walked downstairs

"Liam!" Louis yelled

"yes Lou?" Liam answered

"can I go out with Harry and Olivia?" he asked

"yeah" he yelled

"thank youu" he sung walking out the door

"so why didn't Louis just ask Liam?" I asked getting into my car

"cause I don't want Liam to hate me" Louis pouted

"he hates everyone" I laughed

"except his little Lou" Olivia rolled her eyes

"what's with the hate?" I asked

"he's too protective Harry! He put me on lockdown!" she groaned

"he let us go out" I shrugged

"he doesn't like it though" she shoot her head

"Louis?" I asked turning around

"mhmm?" he asked leaning against the window

"you okay?" I asked

"just car sick" he nodded

"we'll be there soon" I said looking back at the road

I swear Louis like Olivia

"so Olivia..." I started "how are you and Louis?" I asked

"excuse me?" she asked rather rudely

"you know Livia" I laughed

"What the heck is Livia?" she asked

"Louis and Olivia" I smirked

"you are messed up" she shook her head

"Olivia and Louis sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-S-S-I-N-G" I started

"there's too many S's" Olivia shook her head

"depends how long you're KISSING!" I yelled with a stupid grin

"amazing" she said sarcastically

"come on, that was funny" I whined

"no" she shook her head

"Boo?" I asked turning around

"what?" he asked looking like had just drank a lot of coffee

"was it funny?" I asked

"was what funny?" he asked confused

"my song" I said

"I didn't hear it" he shrugged

"ugh" I groaned

"Harry you just missed our TURN!" Olivia whined

"oops" I shrugged

"turn around" she demanded

"wait for a round about" I shook my head

"turn if you want to live" she growled

I spun the car right round and I ended up doing a couple of donuts. I heard Louis in the back groaning and then an awful smell reached the front of the car.

"Ew Louis" I screamed holding my nose

"for fucks sakes Harry" Olivia rolled her eyes

She jumped onto my lap and drove the car straight

"never tell me to do that again" I said feeling like I was going to pass out

"you don't just stop in the middle of a turn" she snapped

"I'm sorry" I said with an attitude

"Stop Hating!" Louis yelled

I turned around shocked

"Louis you just threw up in my car because she turned us round!" I yelled

"I don't like it when people fight" he mumbled

"Louis you need to grow up... now" I snapped

"what?" he asked his eyes filled with tears

"you are the oldest boy here! You act like a fucking three year old!" I yelled

Louis looked at me with pain in his eyes

"I can walk" he said getting out

"Louis!" I yelled

"I'll grow up then watch I'm walking!" he yelled

"not nice Harry" Olivia shook her head

"it's not my fault!" I protested

"thanks for driving us anyway" she said getting out the car

She slammed the door shut and ran after Louis

"ugh" I groaned slamming my head against the steering wheel

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