Chapter Twenty Four

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Harry's POV

"you seem fine now Zayn" I laughed

"yeh" he nodded "I'm algoods"

Liam's phone buzzed

"are you serious right now?" he muttered

"what?" I asked

"we have to be at another bloody interview" Liam said angrily

"why is that bad?" I asked

"because it's in ten minutes!" he snapped

"why did we only find out now?" Niall asked

"they txted Louis but he didn't have his phone so yeah" Liam sighed

"Louis!" I yelled running out the door "Olivia! We have to be at an interview"

"Now!" Liam yelled running after me

We all got into my car and I sped to the studio

"hey guys" the producer waved

"sorry we're late" Zayn apologised "we had an incident"

"well hurry up you guys are on stage in less than thirty seconds" the guy said hurrying us

"wait stage?" Niall asked

"yes this is TV radio" the guy nodded

"what?" I asked shocked "I didn't even do my hair!"

"Harry it takes you less than three seconds" Olivia rolled her eyes

"kidding" I said sheepishly

I one two flicked my hair

"done" I grinned

"so today we told you one direction was coming to join us" I heard a lady say "so here they are"

We scrambled to the couch and Louis sat on Olivia's lap

"hi guys" a male greeted us

"hiya" I waved

"who's this young lady?" the guy asked

He looked about twenty maybe

"oh that's..."

"this is my sister" Liam said cutting me off

"well hello there Liam's sister... Olivia?" the guy asked

Louis nodded

"so Harry" the guy asked "this young thang yours?" he asked

Why does everyone always think I have the girl? Sure I get loads but gimme a break I'm not that big a whore

"well she's my type, she's attractive, got a great sense if humor" I grinned "but no"

Liam glared at me and I gave him one of those not going official looks and he nodded

"so then Louis?" the lady asked

"she's my mum" he chirped

"I'm sorry what?" the lady frowned

"Louis has quite the backstory" Zayn laughed

"surprise us" the guy nodded "and by the way I'm Larry and this is Paula"

Louis and I cracked up laughing at his name. Niall threw his head back howling

"sorry inside joke" I coughed covering my laugh

"so basically when Louis here was a little lad his mum left him" Zayn said "Johannah his adopted mum is being dealt with for child abuse"

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